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AMB Photoshoot Location

Just picked up the latest copy of AMB, does anyone recognise the trails featured in their All Mountain bike comparison article?
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I know precisely where those photos are taken. Prepare yourself for a rant....
I am very much a believer in the attitude of 'the trails are there to share' however in this case AMB has done a very bonehead thing in printing photos of very illegally constructed DH/freeride type ramps and ladders on land that, like other trail areas, is owned by folk unlikely to be sympathetic to our cause. Now, every clown with a pushy, when they figure out the general locale, will go hunting for that area. Overuse will cause damage or vandalism. Overexposure could cause a shutdown by the landowner of the general use trails, not to mention destruction of the purpose built sections.
The blokes that built this did so for their own entertainment and for those who happen to stumble upon it. It's foolish for a mass media to print photos such as these and put a reasonably well kept secret into the public domain.
Chris Southwood and Mick Ross, you've made a very careless error here.
AMB have previously shot at 'Manly Dam' and clearly been at illegal locations in Bantry Bay. It's only a matter of time before NPWS come calling with a fine, eh?
As for the rant here about trails built by someone for their own entertainment? Sigh. Another of the "secret, illegal stuff is fine, so long as it's only me riding it" brigade? Selfish and damaging to the wider MTB community. People with this attitude (who are just too lazy to pursue the legal means to get decent trails) bring our whole sport into disrepute.
id love to know where it was but i can't see how you could pick them unless you had ridden them all ready.It looks like any chunk of aussi bush to me...
We all know where those trails are
and yes we all agree that they shouldnt be put in a disclosed location basket.
i thought the pics AMB did show actually manage to hide alot of the things that are there
however if you know the rollercoaster you wont miss it
i agree with both sides
great to see the trails we know and love being ridden to test the equipment we want to buy
illegal trails shouldnt be photographed and shown in a national magazine
on a side note
i havent bought the AMB side magazine of the top trails to ride
are all of these legal trails.
Maybe AMB need to build a test track mmmm then we can all go crash their test trac k
if that site gets shut down its just another of the top spots now missing off the map !!!
strangely enough that issue does have a great article on the closure of trails and what can be done to save it
maybe AMB isnt as alternative as they like to believe.
any one jump in here from AMB and tell us what you think
we know you look at this site
This whole thread is doing mtbing no good at all.
got a pm from a rider who recognised the locale..have been there before but not found the ones featured...its generally the case if something is so good it wont remain a secret forever, either through word of mouth or the media, its then up to us (the users) to ensure it and the surrounding bush and properties are treated with respect so we can continue to enjoy it.