You are hereCalendar / social, beginners, cross country red hill ride!!!!
social, beginners, cross country red hill ride!!!!

The meeting times are 'ready to ride'. If you need time to prepare equipment then please arrive a few minutes earlier.
Red Hill Reserve car park, off Lady Penryhn Drive, Beacon Hill. Another option is to ride over here from Oxford Falls.
I know what most of you are thinking but I decided the other day that there must be people out there who haven’t ridden Red Hill because of it’s reputation...You can do a short cross country style loop – out to picnic rock and back the single track which is pretty...
Anyway, at least if I am wrong and no one turns up at least I can go and do the usual rim ride!
If anyone DOES come on this ride, it will be in the style of the social nobmob rides when I first joined – namely we will ride to picnic rock, where we will stop, get off the bikes duly admire the view and eat, then we shall cruise home – its not a long ride though...just under 10ks I think...

Were you there and have a story to tell?
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Christine, just a thought because we all love the bush and it is Clean-up Australia Day, why not encourage your social riders to bring a bag and pick up litter along the trail.
I know NobMob riders generally are great for "leaving only trails" but on this day all rides even those in Canberra, etc should make a special effort to leave the riding trails a little cleaner than they found them.
"This has been a community service announcement."
well! is it the same day? and as it's a super social ride i don't see why not!
Ok anyone who is coming along - bring a bag! lol
Great attitude Christine.
Taking the notion a little further, wouldn't it be good if all NobMober's did their little bit on Clean-Up Australia Day, maybe next year we can have special Clean-Up Australia rides.
I even hope the scummers get with the spirit and while on their Sunday morning ride they pick up litter along their favorite routes.
I really would like to do this ride. But I'm doing the Canberra ride on Saturday.
would anyone like to organise a ride round my lounge room and garden on march 1st. its my birthday and im sure it'll be a mess in the morning.
why havn't we been invited you may ask? well, my mountain bike mates are nice, clean living people( except a few! ) my old social mates are the complete opposite. you'd be horrified!
had you been drinking when you posted this? It seems a tad odd to me to post on the site about a birthday pary you are having and announcing that no one who bike rides on nobmob is invited... strange!!
lucky we are having your drinks for us on the Wednesday night hey!
now, what on earth is going on? I post a beginners, newbies ride and the people who say they are coming along are neither beginners OR newbies - funny lot!
knowing that i was having a seperate nobmob dinner thing! now you must have been drunk when i told you to pick up your firewood today because it's today and i havn't heard from you! you'll be the one moaning when you have to pay for it over winter!
I have no bike at the moment. Hopefully get it back next week sometime.
So... I'm out on this one, have fun peoples.
on Friday I got a flat on the other side of Galston Gorge before the top so was a bit distraced for the afternon and actually forgot the firewood - please may I visit you this week...and, although I love all things psychic I am not actually psychic enough to know where to go to find you unless you give me directions... Roseville is quite a large suburb you know!
I had to laugh out loud this mornng - I looked to see if any newbies are coming on this ride to see Peter and Squidlys names amongst others - this will now be the Rim Ride I am guessing and usual Red Hill play time since all you lot know exactly what you are doing! Very funny!
so who are the beginners on this ride? You all under estimate yourselves clearly.
Sounds like fun but will be in Canberra
Considering this is an XC ride and I can't remember the last time I pedaled up a hill, I think I qualify as a beginner
me +1
(not promising great fitness after a lazy a-league season)
Just a anyone keen to ride the Dam after Red Hill? Or ride some of the bigger stuff at Red Hill
even it's only 10km (in total or one way?), what would be the total ride time? 1,2,3 hours?
Need to be back around 11...
Forgot about my boys soccer trials!
Break a leg gang
The Liver is Evil and must be punished
see whit i can do but i see a late withdrawal eventuating.
I'd say it would take 3 hours. There's a lot of distractions to go play on in Red Hill
Well I think Christine did a bit of false advertising on this one and then decided not to come to her own ride
Apologies to the pair that bailed due to the technical nature of the ride. Red Hill is not a beginners track in my opinion. Please don't be discouraged.....that was the hardest beginner's ride I've done! I think Terrey Hills or Manly Dam is more appropriate in future.
Thank you to Liam for leading the way while I swept.
for not being there this morning.
what happened and who was upset? I didn't mean it as a total beginners ride - that must have been the blonde in me not expalaining properly as i woudn't even suggest Manly Dam as a beginners ride... but you guys who posted to come SO aren't newbies...
thank you Liam and Buck for leading and sweeping...
It was still a good slower tour of Red Hill. I've never been there and so I walked lots of stuff but at least now i know a nice route to take. AlexD took Trin exploring some of the fire trails he said they still had fun too. AlexD and I will head back again one day to do it at our pace.
Yes, I echo the words of Buck, possibly not the most fitting location for a Social/Noob ride. We were at wits end filling in a loop that involved a minimum of rough stuff. We all had a good laugh at you over that.
what can i say? my original posted ride (the one in my head) was for newbies but you lot who posted would have ridden it in no time and have been bored!
sorry everyone who wasn't happy, but i do hope you had fun and Noel, I still walk on parts of the rim ride up there too!!
thanks again liam and buck - maybe i will keep a low profile on the posting of rides for a bit!
My post sounded more serious than it actually is.
I know what i'm getting myself into but......You only need to work on the description and dont worry about the those punks.
Buck kept a fine eye on all the riders, from the rear of the pack.
Theres only one way a beginner will learn: "Drive right in, take your time and HOLD ON"!
From what i saw everyone did well!