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Ladies and Gentleman, and I use that term loosely, start Howling

Terry Hills night ride under a full moon.
Meet 7pm, 7th September
No shaving required.
Christine also reckons no lights required although Pikey, the only one game enough to test that theory last month, believes lights would be a good idea, I would tend to agree. (Greg you might won't to swap to a 30 or 40 watt fitting to give you a long enough burn time, otherwise the seeds won't grow)
Lets hope the werewolfs don't get scared off by a couple of clouds like they did last month.
Heres to a howling good time
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With all the conversation going on about bloody lights I would expect EVERYONE to be there with theirs!
Of course, being a full moon there will be no point (but in the event Greg goes with his spot lights I fully intend to follow him!).
Stuart, either you must have your bike back or you are planning to run like a wolf with us!
Sorry old chap, but one has a function at the Opera House that evening.
Would one care to reschedule one night ether way?
You would need to make it the day before...seeing as after the full moon it's not so bright (!)
I can do any night except Tuesday...
Rob, lets have some faith in Christine and leave it for the night of the full moon so that all, even those without "adequate" lighting can join us. Lets see how many people respond and if it is just the three of us I am happy to move it to the 6th
I was hoping for a private ride to test my lights without the embaresment of failure in front of others, probably on Monday or Tuesday night if you can join me on either of those. Tentative at the moment, the better half has lots of work to do so may not be able to go twice in the one week.
Was also thinking of a no moon ride about a fortnight later so that we can enjoy the bush in all its darkness. Was thinking Cascades so Greg can punish me on the hills for all my smart arsed comments:-)
Am also hoping to make one night ride a week a reality as I am getting fewer opportunities on the weekend to get out.
Yes Christine I do have the beast back, yesterday to be precise, but have yet to get back on it and see if it is any less noisy. I guess if its not it could be a good thing for those without lights, just like "blind cricket" everybody follow that noise!!
Will pencil it in. Sounds like fun.
I am wondering when Pikey is going to run a course on MTB lighting solutions for serious riders before I spend anything on commercial items.
Just back from my first foray into the world of night riding utilising my super powerful, rabbit blinding, roo stunning 4.9 watts of bike lights (hmmm, but more on that later) and I have to say that this is not something I would want to do without some form of lighting. Even at Terry Hills, only three nights away from a full moon, the light is way to inadequate to ride with no lighting. Sorry Christine, it may be one thing at horse pace atop a beast that is used to walking around paddocks with only a full moon to light the way, sounds positively romantic actually, but something totally different when you are the one trying to pick out the best line through mud, rock and heavy shadows.
On another note, the first half of Terry Hills really hasn't improved much since our last big group ride. still large sections of ankle deep mud waiting to grab a hold.
Let me know what yopu want to do for Thursday night.
Hi Guy's
I'm good for either Wed 6th OR Thur 7th.
If Wed gives us the bigger turn out then why not?
Somebody please refresh my memory. How long is the out and back for Terry Hills? It’s around 2hrs I thought.
The night should be interesting.
Bring your sunglasses
How hands on do you wish to be?
If you want I’ll put together a list of items to buy from Jcar or Tandy. We could then arrange a central place for all to meet with soldering iron in hand. Are you or anybody else keen?
The only trade off for some(and to be honest its not that big a deal) is the weight of the lead acid battery. but you will get one hell of a bright light for under $100 dollars.
Open to all.
I haven't ridden for three weeks and did the shops to the junction of Perimeter and long tracks and back again in about an hour 15 so allowing about another 3/4 of an hour to get to the look out and back should suffice. It will be longer though if people are being guided by touch. Don't worry if your battery won't last, I got a spare 1.1Ah NiMH when I ordered my gear from Battery space, its good for atleast four hours of my bar light so should be good for atleast 10mins powering your beast
Would be good to have you along, I will bring the camera so we can show all just how much brightness gets sacrificed in the name of weight and burn time.
Sorry for being dim - is it Wednesday or Thursday?
well, I have no light so guess I will come armed with a torch although I stand by my original theory that you won't need them...
Can't we miss the deep sand part? It's supposed to be FUN!
Assuming Craig can ride Wednesday or Thursday, lets leave the call for which night upto Rob. Don't know if he will have his lights by Wednesday and if not, whether he will ride without them. The bikes in your court mate.
As for the deep sand, last night there was none, just mud, more than ankle deep in the one spot where I got bogged, but you can get around this spot as long as you see it before it swallows you, which I obviously didn't.
Sorry guys, but according to the courier's web site the lights are a no-show today. Given they need 15hr charge - yeah, fast, huh
that means I'm out for Wednesday and as you know thursday too.Pooh! Next time!
Lookie here - I'm home and have a package. Is it too late to say, can we pls do TH Wednesday night?
P.S. The mud doesn't sound very promising does it, why don't you start from the west end of Perimeter - not as far in case things turn ugly? Toss in Cullamine & Duffys after if you feel the need for hills
Having established the west end of the perimeter (thanks to Rob) is the Long Trail end I think that sounds great...however, I shall ride wherever Stuart decides...
My sister is lending me a light to go on my helmet (just in case!!!)
Erm... so I have to post something new to make it alert you lot?
Given the comments about ankle deep mud, can we meet at that carpark, west (Long Trail) end of Perimeter Trail? Dunno what time people had in mind, but would 7pm do? Erm.... if it's not raining!
FWIW - these lights look pretty good - well, for the $$$ don't think I'll complain! Think the go is to point the 5W at the ground in front of yer wheel, and point the 10W straight ahead.
In an attempt to not be beaten by the weather again (rain is forecast from tomorrow arvo for the next few days) the Howling Good Time ride will now be Wednesday night, meeting at 7pm on Echunga Rd. According to my street directory this is the 6th street on the right once you are on Booralie Rd, it is immediately after Kulgoa Crescent and is the corner where the Japanese School is. Sydney 2000 UBD 135 Q3. This joins the fire trail just after the "big hill" so should miss all "bog" holes and will be a little easier to find than the carpark on Bulara St, especially in the dark with no street lights.
I am assuming the following people will be in attendance.
Craig, and now
Rob, woohoo!!
If you are on this list and don't wish to come or not on this list but wish to join us then please either post before noon Wednesday or SMS / call me on my mobile so we know who to wait for.
I think that there will now be enough "lighted people" that if you don't have lights but want to join us, then you could probably ride among the group and be able to see reasonably well. Will leave that decision up to you though.
See you all tomorrow night
0412 174 282
I'm there.
With enough burn time to last 4.5 hours (mind you the batteries will be in my bike trailer) with a dolphin torch as the safety back up and a roll of duct tape.
Hmm well I think I can do it. Yeah we should avoid the first bit of the Terrey Hills ride and drop in at the top of the first big hill. I think thats where we are suggesting.
Rob, I saw a guy selling lights very simillar to those and claimed 15 and 25 Watts....was thinking of bidding but if I could find the housings Jeff showed us I would be into making them myself.
This night ride thing, heck doesnt it have some reliance on where in the sky the moon is? I mean high or low and so on. Its nearly 10pm and the moon is high and nowhere near enough light..maybe we can go to the Tavern if its a dud?
Hi Craig,
Jeff's globe housing is far more simpler and sexier than mine (sobbing) I think he picked his up at a lighting store sale.
The most difficult part of making your own lights is the brackets. There not something you have lying around. I had to screw from the inside of an old helmet a timber block. I then fixed the globe housing to the timber block. Not exactly removable!
Jeff, time to test your lights out, you know you want to! Pack the gear and come straight from work.
See you all tomorrow night. 7:00 pm Echunga Rd Terry Hills. For any newbie’s thinking at coming look for a dark red Land Cruiser.
Catch Ya
0431 703 266
I don't know- Craig, I walked the dogs at 6.30 and there is a bush track down to my house and it was lovely - once you are away from street lights and houses etc it;s beautiful and clear...besides...where is your sense of adventure?
one of my friend said he would come tonight too...if he does please can everyone say how fabulous fun the Fling is? He is my last mate to say he'd have a go with me!!!
see you tonight - unless, it's raining i guess...
Don't even contemplate not going because of a little water, besides any rain will help wash off the mud and Greg's lights will dry us all in no time at all.
... yeah, but do you want poor old Greg to fry? I mean, given the none-too-waterproof looking power station taped to his frame
Fingers crossed for no rain!
From last night:
Despite the few drops of rain this was most enjoyable. Very weird feeling coming to the end of Long Trail in the dark, I almost carried on riding right off the end!
El-cheapo lights worked well I thought, but reckon you defo need something on the head too, and for that my dive light seemed to work rather well (could do with a more thought out mount though).
Keep an eye on the home made lights topic - think an attempt at some bright LEDs for the head is on the cards.
Talk about good timing with the weather! The storm started as we drove home...
I believe that I had the most puny light there – so puny I didn’t even need to use it as Stuart and Greg were like having cars travelling along with us! (lucky really, since my light tended to point at the sky being unbalanced on my helmet!).
The only shame being there was no moon...
Sadly, I thought I rode like a demon and put on major bursts of speed – I was quickly brought down to earth at the end when I was told that it was a much slower time than usual...I may have to do some secret Long Trail speed trial training...
I had a ball - thank you!
I've posted a ride story so keep your eyes peeled.
Thanks all for a great night out.
Yes Christine Gregs light does shine!!