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Hey Rob
Nobmob twitter?
Ride updates? Trail updates? Site updates? Race updates? Other juicy MTB info etc... What do you reckon?
There's already MTB activity on Twitter, but mainly US/UK tweets.
I'd follow the 'Twitmob' for sure.
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Drupal does have a twitter module so easy enough. Question becomes, what should NoBMoB Tweet?
Front page stories? New rides?
Hey Rob
Yeah that's the idea.
I guess any new content could be tweeted, (I wouldn't include comments though). But sure the tweet feed could pick up:
New Group Rides
New Races
Front page news
New forum topics
Hot lap updates
That should do for starters
earth are you talking about? is this some computer nerd new thing? or am i being blonde? a Twit is an idiot in England you know...
Hey Christine
Everyone's doing it (apparently). Read more about it here:
It's become quite popular. I'm hooked.
check it out after the weekend... but i am fairly sure most of my private emails here at work count as twitter as do lots of the posts on nobmob!!
Condensed version of Facebook/MySpace etc. you know, all those other things you spend so much time on...
This will only be about MTB! Woot!
First it was YouTube. Then came Facebook. Now, This Twitter! Just to mention one more.
Bad Idea...
Keep the comments internal, I say!
Yes there are both positives and negatives, but I think the negatives far out weigh the positives. Rob is correct, what would you Twitter that isn’t already on the site?
I haven’t used it yet and don’t think I will, I know how it works, who has been using it and frankly think the celebrities and BIG Brands are just using it to market themselves (it has been proven). However maybe NobMob could do with some extra credits??? But that might tarnish this fine community/site?! (mmm maybe its this E-Marketing Subject i'm currently working on making me think this way?)
How do others think?
Ohh...maybe someone should intergrate all the social networks into ONE HUGE Database that way one log-in for everything. That would be neat??
Good Luck Nobbies...
Dear Naysayer
Personally and technically I have already mentioned some potentially positive uses for a Nobmob twitter feed. If you think it's such a bad idea (though you freely admit you havent used twitter) can you please elaborate and offer what the negatives are and demonstrate how they will outweigh the positives? Otherwise give it a try, you may even like it. I too was very sceptical at first. But I've since had the lightning bolts of understanding and now get just how powerful a communication delivery platform this can be, and how it can help the Nobmob community. It's no different to RSS only shorter, snappier and to the point!
I totally agree with keeping comments off the feed, but ride info, trail closures etc could benefit all of us. Just in the same way we now freely use Google Maps on Nobmob to give us location and directions to trails. Or use YouTube to share fun MTB clips. A twitter feed will be equally as useful to some Nobbers. You don't have to use twitter if you don't want to. And if you don't follow the feed you won't ever know it's there anyway. So there's nothing to lose and everything to gain.
And if it doesn't work for the community then Rob can easily switch it off.
Think positive
I don't get Twitter, Myface, or any of these social networking fads. If you want to contact your friends just call them or lash out and visit them.
I also don't get why do people these days (mostly Gen Y I suspect) feel the need to tell the whole world what they are doing even if it is inconsequential and purile. Get a life, go read a book or go for a solo ride and when you come back, why not keep it a secret the world doesn't need to know.
Twitter - I just farted SBD.
Twitter - Can't think of what to write so I'm writing this.
Oh look there are 15 people linked to my twitter - how sad must they be.
Twitter - Goodnight - see you in Canberra
Go Big or Go Home
It's not just the kids you know.
For the record, I had a 'blog' back in 1997. OK, it wasn't very interesting, and of course it wasn't called a blog then. But it was useful. It's nice for people who you might otherwise loose touch with to see what you're up to.
Pffft... kids these days, they have it so easy when there are all these sites built for them. Back in the day we had to build them ourselves[1]
[1] And for the record, parts of my site are still generated using the same code as there were back then! Good code that must be!
Were kewl...
I have a twitter account but I didn't think it worked to Australian mobiles at the moment. Has something changed?
Let's not confuse the Twitter platform with MySpace or Facebook. It's not the same thing.
I see NoBMoB tweets generated from the site content itself something like:
Twitter - NEW RIDE: Ourimbah Social Ride - for those not going to Canberra, (link to NoBMob post)
Twitter - UPDATED RIDE: Remember when?, (link to NoBMob post)
Twitter - NEW RIDE: Down Hill in Thredbo over Easter weekend, (link to NoBMob post)
Twitter - TRAIL CLOSED: Terrey Hills Long Trail closed..., (link to NoBMob post)
Twitter - HOTLAP: Manly Dam, Ladytoast, 28:05, (link to NoBMob post)
Twitter - UPDATED: Race or/and Ride options for the girls group, (link to NoBMob post)
(Tweeted over time etc...)
It wont be a 'free for all' so no "oooh i just farted" or "I've got nothing to say" tweets. Just short pertinent information to the community and that will ultimately drive traffic back to the site.
At the moment the only notifications we receive are comments to existing forum topics we've participated in. We currently have no notified way of letting us know about new content. Currently we have to check the site manually for any new rides, hot laps, news, race info etc. So why not stream that out via Twitter or if you prefer RSS. The technology is there to help us. It's up to the individual if they want to participate in it.
We do have RSS:
Perhaps its hidden a bit too deep?
Compliments from my antivirus MOB -
Twitter shaken by worm attacks
The Easter weekend didn't pass peacefully for Twitter, as it was struck by a series of worm attacks taking advantage of cross-site scripting vulnerabilities in the popular micro-blogging site. Viewing an affected profile would infect your own Twitter account, and cause you to spread the hackers' bizarre messages to others. Find out more about the threat now.
17-year old "admits" writing worms which struck Twitter
A teenage youth from Brooklyn, New York, has named as the author of a cross-site scripting attack that hit Twitter over the weekend. 17-year-old Mikeyy Mooney is reported to have told a news website that he coded the attack "out of boredom". Learn more about the attacks, and Mooney's claims.
with Buzz about Twitter but having said that Ladytoast was a constant source of entertainment with his Twitter addiction over the weekend at the 24hr solo!
and he is seriously addicted!
i like nobmob and other than that just plain old email, text or speaking!