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Menai trail fairies

A guy just posted a comment about menai over at fark...
Apparently there is a few moto riders who are getting pissed off at the amount of trail modification and rubbish being left around by treadly users and are voicing their disgust on one of their forums .
Now in an ideal world every on would be able to live and play together, and since the original poster is talking about a hill climb maybe the mods were something needed to arrest an erosion problem... I don't know.
Anyway if anyone knows the trail fairies it might be wise to point them towards
Hopefully both groups can work together to over come differences and it doesn't end up in a shit fight that will only lessen everyones joy
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LOL... oh dear, oh dear. Now I've seen everything!
I'd say the legality of Menai is questionable at best so neither party really has a leg to stand on.
However, if only the government would accept that people are going to build and ride in various places then maybe a body could be set up to divvy up the land, keep proper maps and settle such disputes. Just a thought?
Failing that - yes, let's all play together. How about someone who enjoys both sports try and act as a middleman and broker a solution?
I'm ridding Menai on average twice a week at the moment, due to not being able to work, and I have never seen anyone building trails. I've ridden at the weekend, various times through the week and evening rides, but no sign of the fairies.
There is definite evidence of trail building and within the past couple of weeks a few new ladders have been erected on a couple of trails I ride regularly. A couple are on trails that already include some of the more tame North Shore stuff. But one has been built on a trail that is fairly natural and has now made a good drop off of about 800cm to 1000cm into a fairly lame slope.
I may be seen to be a hypocrite saying this as I do ride the stuff that these people have made "but the trail building could be getting a bit silly in some areas". It must be easier to cut a new path through the scrub to make a B line around a drop than to go to all that effort building a ladder! Also those still wanting the challenge of a more technical trail can ride the drop and the dirt bikers are not hampered with a weak ladder. In fact there is a ride around this particular drop as I've ridden it while I was getting the confidence to take on the drop, so there really is no need for this ladder.
I've just been looking at what the dirt bikers have been saying on the above mentioned website and I must admit, a lot of what they are saying does make sense. I really enjoy ridding at Menai, there’s a great mix of stuff there, I just hope dirt bikers, MTBer's and others using the area can find a happy balance for all. It would be a shame for this area to be taken away from us.
So if I come across the trail building fairies on my travels I'll mention that their busy building is upsetting a few people.
I would guess that you’re talking about some of the north shore that leads down to the small creek jump that you would have ridden with me (green Mongoose), Steve (Black Nomad) and Paul (Reign XO with Totems).
If so, the guys that have done the bulk of that trail work have cut in new trails rather than taking over new moto trails so from that perspective there shouldn’t be any issues from the point of view of stealing their trails. I have also noticed that since doing this, some of their older trails are now starting to grow over and become reclaimed by the bush so that will give those sections a chance to recover somewhat.
There has however been quote a few changes to the freeride area however this has been there for a while and therefore its not as if the moto guys have lost an area overnight to the MTBers. Its also on a fairly small piece of land compared to what is available in Menai.
I should also point out that its actually very tough work putting in a new line and that building a new ladder can be pretty quick (well that’s what I’ve been told
I know some of the guys who have put in a lot of the smaller stuff (wallride, drops, ladders etc) and they are responsible people who are just looking to provide some riding fun for themselves plus those who may stumble across the trails that they’ve built. I’ll be the first to put my hand up and say that I greatly enjoy what they have done. Bearing in mind that I rarely see motos on some of those trails, it shows that a fair degree harmony must have been achieved.
However I do agree that there needs to be a balance so that we can all play in the same sandpit without any tantrums.
Exactly right with the location of a couple of the ladders I mentioned. I agree that trail building in the small free ride area is not going to upset the dirt bike riders and it's a great area to have fun on that sort of stuff. But one of the trails across the creek has had what I believe to be an unnecessary ladder put in and now that trails not as enjoyable for me. Perhaps I'm old fashioned, but I quite like trying to ride the natural terrain.
Sorry if I've offended the person that built this ladder, I suppose not all trail modifications are going to be to everyone’s liking.
I believe the area the dirt bike guy's are talking about is over by the larger free ride / down hill area as they mention something about signs, but I'm not certain so I can't comment directly on that particular trail. I was suggesting that I’ve seen evidence of trail building on a more natural trail that is probably used by others and I could see why people may feel it’s getting out of hand.
As you’ve mentioned, there is usually quite a good understanding between the DBRers and MTBers, and it would be a shame if thing’s got out of hand. I quite often ride Menai on my own and I don’t want to feel uneasy every time I see a DBR due to a feud between them and us.