You are hereForums / By Discipline / Mountain (off road) / MTB Gear / 661 Evo Lite XC Knee Guards
661 Evo Lite XC Knee Guards

Hi Everyone, first post for me.
I have recently got into riding, but have a dodgy knee thanks to one of the chain bolts on the dam. I got myself a set of the specialised knee / shin guards, and they are great for a couple of laps, but I was wanting to look at something a bit lighter, such as the 661 guard. Has anyone used them? I'd be interested to know how comfortable they are, and whether they pinch behind the knee?
Also does anyone know which stores in the north stock 661? The only place I know is TBSM:
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I have the EVO guards and they're great. Very comfortable with no movement restriction. Purchased mine online from a store in Melbourne and arrived next day. I think Bike Addiction stock 661 so you could give them a call. 661 stuff often comes up quite large though so maybe go one size down from usual.
Yeah - I have the Evo too - very nice. Bought them from BA last year and interestingly they were cheaper than O/S mail order even. So you can sometimes win in the $$$ by buying local!
Combine them with some lightweight shin guards mind
Thanks for the input.
I will check out BA on the weekend. The lites are meant to be a cut down version, so I wonder if they are worth it or just get the standard evos.
Steve01 has some of the lites and they did look very... erm... lite!