Hey guys,
We are just looking for some advise as to possible osteopaths/phsyios etc that have a cycling background.
V is suffering from nerve pain in her leg and needs to get it sorted ASAP.
Any suggestions from you guys would be most helpful.
Hi Gav,
A guy a number of friends rave about is Leroy at North shore physio. If its ITB related he is apparently the master.
They are triathletes and the likes so this guy seems to have the right background in treating sports related issues.
Have not been myself.
Can recommend Seaforth physio
Actual hand on physio, not just rubbing w machines
Everything From Physio and Sports massage to Acupuncture
I went to Northside Sports Physiotherapy in Hornsby and Monica (a very keen cyclist) fixed my back!
We where talking about this yesterday (Physio verses Chiro) after the race with davis_jnr, he has a very good Chiropractic in the CBD.
But I can highly recommend Performance Health in Newport - http://www.performancehealth.com.au/index.html
And it sounds like you might need to be very careful about how you treat this one. it could be compression in a spinal joint. or hip joint. it certainly sounds a lot more serious than just an ITB issue. you might even think about seeing a doctor, getting a referal for an MRI. mountain bikes aside, if this happened out of the blue you probably would go to see a doctor, wouldn't you? I hope it turns out easy to fix and look forward to seeing you guys around the trails, Darren.
Ben Go at Macquarie Sports Physio. He rides mountain bikes and his colleague races triathlons.
The guys name is Headly and he is based in St Leonards and Licharret
I have a mate that had similar nerve problems in his leg from years of mountain biking. Turned out it was a small spinal compression fracture which was pressing on the nerve and which ultimately required surgery after putting up with months of pain and numbness. He was off the bike for 9 months.
My wife has also had bulging disks in her spine which cause nerve pain in the legs, although these have gone away after three months of rest.
Get V to see a doctor first.
Hi Gav and V,
I've a lot of experience in this area, and have been using a chiro for the last 6 years on a maintenance program for general structural upkeep and improvement.
However in this case, as you say a physio is more likely needed. I was recommended to Back in Business in north sydney last year when I had some knee issues. Martin Krause is the owner, and works with a lot of cyclists, and understands cycling related injuries, requirements etc. He even has a few articles about power and fit on his website. http://www.back-in-business-physiotherapy.com/
I worked with one of his team, Sarah Atree, and she has been very good for me over the last year with my knees and ligament problems I was having, and I can highly recommend her and Martin for cycling and general physio issues.
They use a combination of traditional techniques, and acupuncture to assist where required.
Contrary to suggestions above, I would not go to a GP as all they will do is review the problem then refer V to a specialist.
It seems like you guys have a lot of suggestions to work with from the above comments, and plenty to choose from. Good luck!
I saw the chiropractor (Lillie Chiro centre)
funny enough. I feel relieved that I know where the pain is from and what it is. I am allowed to be on the bike
yeaaa BUT if a burning pain appears I must back off, Ok (he said no 24hr race for the mean time, good as I did not plan to do any for a while)...
I had Xrays done
I saw the chiropractor again
and ...........Ok mmm where to start, I saw my spine and I said oh F@#k I have a snake as a spine ! My sacrum is not where it should be my vertebrae L4 is in a supa supa funny shape …and apparently my spine has been like that since I was born oh ok!! but because I rode for 24hr and because I had a massive crash 9 month ago my funny pelvis did not cope really well therefore all the nerves running though S1 are inflamed…So what should I do ?? I could have a massive surgery to put everything into shape or chiropractor/massage/correcting position, I chose the second option