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First 100km - Awesome

The Weekend started when I met up with Pikey and Christine for the ride up to St Albans. Avery relaxed Saturday for me, and I think being with the Nobmob crew took my mind off competing in my first 100km race which really helped. Ate well on Saturday with a steak sandwich washed down with beer at the pub for lunch, followed by a couple more beers and Blondie's amazing beef strog for dinner. with the race in mind I pulled the pin and headed down to where I was staying with Critty and Ladytoast just over the road in a comfy B&B for a good night's rest.
Was up and back over to the church at 6am pretty much ready to ride and pumped. Watched everybody tell each other it was only 6am for the next 20 minutes. Then at 6.25 a slight panic and mad dash for some to the start line. I also wanted to get going but Paul thought it was a good trick to cable tie his number plate to my bike as well as his the night before!
I started at the front of the third wave with Buck and Tien. I got such a smooth start and jumped on a pace line with the first 10 people all the way up to the first climb. I rode the first maybe 150 metres then decided to conserve energy. Nearing the top I bumped into Irish Gary and Paul, walked to the top with them the got on the bike and gunned it. HR was holding around 160 all the way to first water stop and I felt really good. Refilled my bottle with Endura cranked the ipod and I was off. Came across Buck 5km later as he didn’t stop when I did, then 2km later saw whisperer with a ripped sidewall. I ate a gu asked if he needed help, then went on my way. I got caught behind some people on a rocky descent and whisperer passed, but without telling him I hopped on his wheel up until the 50km water stop. Natural break/banana/refill water/refill endura. Say hello to Damien, then see buck again then off up that sneaky hill.. Started to feel a few sharp pains in my quads but what can you do? Rode on and had a lot of fun playing on the rocks.. Well riding up and down them as fast as my body would let me.
Then I started to recognise the section I rode in reverse as I approached shepherds gully. I was having so much fun! Came around the corner onto shepherds Gully and I was off! Who needs brakes? Awesome music in my ears had me tearing recklessly down the hill while singing out loud to the music at the top of my voice. Really hope nobody heard me Got to the bottom and Damien was looking a bit grumpy with a flat. He said he was all good so I was off.
Had to wait a fair bit to get across the canoe bridge, but it was an opportunity to stretch my weary legs and eat something. Walked the bridge then did the grind up to Womerah range. Rode the first hill but could feel the cramps setting in. Stopped at last drink station, lubed chain then set off. It was a pretty painful last 30km’s for me but I had it in the dog as much as possible, with exceptions being really steep climbs where it was granny or an occasional walk..
Jacks track finally came around the corner and was a blast! Nearly lost it in front of the photog, but at the bottom all I wanted was to go back up and do it again. The gravel road into town was spent spinning and trying not to cramp.. With 5km’s to go I realised I was a shot at coming in under 6 hours so I pushed on. I was so happy to round the corner and crossed the finish line in 5H57M40!
The rest of the day was a mix of beers, a hot shower at the B&B cheering fellow nobmobbers in and more beer.
For those that didn’t stay Sunday night, you missed out. Carlgroover, Nic, Pikey, Blondie and I stayed on, shared stories and by the time we all left on Monday afternoon I felt like I had been on holiday for a week!
Really can’t wait till next year!
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