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social 100 - only way go go!

What a sensational weekend!
I had the best time the whole time – starting with Greg letting me know he was excited so what time would I be ready to get picked up? We met with Sam at Hornsby where I left Sean and Greg and defected to Sams hoon mobile... People were calling and texting to say they had left home and it was all just great!
We had lunch at the pub on the Saturday where we ran into Ladytoast and Kat and the greatest concern for the afternoon was whether Greg and I would start on the beers too early and over indulge – we did not I am proud to report!
Saturday night went off without a hitch and thank you to the fellow soup kitchen cooks – you were great – Ev did a super job especially since he rarely cooks at home...Greg was made for mass cooking – thank you also to our washer uppers and also to Cupcake for that sensational chocolate cake mug thing!
Sleeping in the church was lovely for me as I was a lucky one on a sofa bed, and although there were a few snorers no one was too bad. Stuart of course, thought I was hilarious to get up at 3am and upon his return announce to everyone in a loud voice that it was almost 6am ... So hated him about then and thought up loads of nasty things to do to him on the ride the next day...
In the morning all the roid boys raced off to start the race, us social crowd hung about a bit then did the mad dash for the last crowd.. We ended up with 8 riders all declaring to stick together – Stuart and I had a secret conversation where we decided he and I would most likely be the only two left as a couple ... How wrong we were...
Had a fantastic ride, it was just like a looooong nobmob ride with chit chat, teasing and re-grouping. I had a massive stack before even the 20k mark where Nic was behind me and so nice to me (thank you)– I took so long to get myself together that Stuart and Pikey were heading back to see where I was!
Ev spent most of the first 28ks telling anyone near him that he was suffering, not warmed up and it was a long way to go – we banned him from such comments at that stop...later he felt great for a bit, then went all quiet...
About the 40k mark Andrew made me laugh when some guy came up behind us all, asked what was going on and Andrew replies.. ‘we are drafting mate’ as all eight of us were in a nice neat row.
Everyone waited, everyone was patient (except Greg when he told me to fuck off at about the 80k mark for being too chirpy.. WTF?). Andrew left us at about the 70k mark (after he had had his photo taken as a group at all stops I noted!). Evan rode off and left us after about 80ks – slack hey and the rest of us stuck together...
Thank you all for a GREAT ride, Andy and Jay waited for ages as did Nic and I really did think (and expect) they would just finish but we all rode over the line together, too cool hey! oh! and Stuart and I didn’t even have one argument – I know.. But it’s true!
I totally enjoyed every single minute of the entire ride, loved the views, the track and the company – a social 100 is obviously the only way to go – plus it’s pain free!
For those of you - most of you, who didn't stay the Sunday night... it was the best thing - soooo relaxing, a nice pizza at the pub and then a sleep in the next morning followed by a cooked breakfast. We then waited a bit until it was nibbles time - with some red wine, so civilised - thank you to the guys who stayed and Groover, you are just hilarious!
Yes, Ben, I don't want to do the 50 there again, the 100 course is teriffic!
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