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AMBC/NoBMoB Skills Day

Rob's picture

By Rob - Posted on 15 May 2009

Note that this ride is Cancelled.
Sunday, 14 June, 2009 - 08:30

The meeting times are 'ready to ride'. If you need time to prepare equipment then please arrive a few minutes earlier.

6 hours
Come Rain or Shine: 
If it's raining, I won't be there.
Ride Database Entry: 
Ourimbah State Forest
Meeting Point: 

North End of Red Hill Rd, Ourimbah State Forest. There's a large-ish parking area here, just off the main sealed road. There is also a smaller parking area a little further (400m or so from the road) where the trail splits - this second area is the usual meeting point. If you end up driving up a steep hill you've gone too far.

Show on Google maps: Meeting point. Login or register to get directions.

Reserve the date.

AMBC NoBMoB only skills day at Ourimbah.

Adrian Whittaker will be on hand with other trainers TBD depending on response. Susan Beck is available for chix if the ladies would prefer their own group.

See the thread linked above for details of cost.

Update: More space added Smiling

This is a commercial event that will have to be paid for in advance. Will be posting a link to that shortly.

Who's in?
Rob, Heckler, Bernd, christine, tienster, davis_jnr, Paul, evan, daves, ar_junkie, Steve 01, GeordieAndy, Gary, Nick R, anke13, Hans, LadyToast, jdb, dangersean (19 riders)
Rob Heckler Bernd christine tienster davis_jnr Paul evan daves ar_junkie Steve 01 GeordieAndy Gary Nick R anke13 Hans LadyToast jdb dangersean
What Happened?

Were you there and have a story to tell?

Ride Gallery
ar_junkie's picture

Keen to attend so, if anyone pulls out, I'm there!

Rob's picture

I'm sure when Kim sees this we'll get more trainers and the size will be expanded. I'll give her a push Eye-wink

christine's picture

my own - i am even more dim than usual when learning something new...

Paul's picture

..because I get cantankerous when young whipper snappers try to tell me anything.

Christine - what is the lycra wearing etiquette for training days

dangersean's picture

Just another Sean wanting on this gig.

Was just too damn slow!

davis_jnr's picture

Man its so easy to miss stuff on nobmob now.....guess i've got to be more active in trawling the site than usual. Put me on the list of those waiting.

Gary's picture

There is a XC race at Ourimbah at the same time, will the training day still go ahead.

Rob's picture

Yes, Steve pointed this out yesterday. Will cancel this event and get another date ASAP. Sorry Sad

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