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Pikey's ride (not quite) revisited

dangersean's picture

By dangersean - Posted on 17 May 2009

Wednesday, 20 May, 2009 - 19:35

The meeting times are 'ready to ride'. If you need time to prepare equipment then please arrive a few minutes earlier.

1 hours
Come Rain or Shine: 
If it's raining, I won't be there.
Meeting Point: 

Terrey hills tavern


As there has been quite a bit of rain in the last 24 hours, the trails I was originally hoping to ride will be a little too damp for a fun ride tonight.

So, off to duckhole and centre track meaning we can be back in time to order food at the tavern instead.

Who's in?
pikey, christine, Paul, Gary, steveb, craft, anke13, Dibbler, dangersean (9 riders)
pikey christine Paul Gary steveb craft anke13 Dibbler dangersean
What Happened?

Were you there and have a story to tell?

Ride Gallery
pikey's picture

This ride is copy righted....But lets do it again anyway!

See you there.


The Liver is Evil and must be punished Sticking out tongue

Paul's picture

My bike is getting serviced, so if I can get my spare running I will be there.

Sean just to get the rules straight is Lyrca allowed on this ride?

dangersean's picture

Just to confirm Lycra is encouraged and preferably in white.

Purely for more photo opportunities to rival that one of the man from Yorkshire.

Bernd's picture

3/4 or long?

Bernd's picture

would you like to use my 69er SS?

christine's picture

less offensive at night but being an optimist am hoping you will cover your parts and be manly in shorts... Smiling lol

Paul's picture

Bernd, thanks I will let you know.

I have an old aluminium 29er (made from odds and ends) will that I will be running as a 9 speed - I will try to tune it tonight to get it running.

christine's picture

At the risk of being a hypocrite can you let me know... SHOULD it rain (I can’t believe I am asking this!!) will this be a ride without bikes at the pub at the same time or simply cancelled?
As it’s Pikey’s Ride Revisited I was wondering if it would be Pike’s Dream Realised in the event of the forecast rain... Smiling

Harry's picture

these rides, will have to change the scheduling I now have for Wed evenings

christine's picture

as we all miss you too - haven't seen you for AGES...hurry up and sort out your priorities!

MEEEE Smiling

dangersean's picture

Considering I am STILL shivering from riding home in the miserable rain tonight, if tomorrow is a wet day, come 7.30pm you will find me in the tav, not out front on a bike.
That's right Pikey, dream come true! Does everybody else agree? Can't let rain get on the way of a social gathering.
That being the case, I expect to see Lozza front and centre with a beer in hand!

pikey's picture

Harry, get back on your bike.
Christine, rain drops bike stops (hi ho, hi ho, it's off to the pub we go!)
Sean, Girl.....I went for a 14km run this afternoon in the same rain....toughen up big fella Eye-wink
43 v 28 I win Smiling


The author is drunk and must be sent to his room Sticking out tongue

Paul's picture

I'm keen to ride in any two of these Wet, Cold, or Dark but not all three, so I may have to adjourn to the Tavern for a beer.

christine's picture

SO!! Centre/duck unless its raining then it’s Pikey’s Dream and dinner at
the Tavern? Coooool

pikey's picture

Are you still coming to this ride? given that there is still the odd electrical cloud around,
And is it true that following your stack the other day two bolts were seen protruding from your neck. Sticking out tongue

(by the way the Tavern now sells brains, Lol)


PS: tell egor he still owes me a new liver.

christine's picture

Is this ride on or are we eating? Just that I am feeling rather fat as I have eaten constantly since Dirtworks.. If we are riding tonight I shall continue to eat for the rest of the working day ... If we aren’t I will endeavour to refrain from eating as much as I am currently planning to consume...

Pikey - have you started drinking already honey... Smiling

dangersean's picture

I would say it would be best to leave the riding for another night and just enjoy the tav?

Can I get a show of hands?

christine's picture

x-ray vision then?
i am up for foooood since thats about all i have done for weeks now.. eat!

Gary's picture

Cant be bothered to spend tomorrow cleaning the bike and changing the brake pads, so my vote is to eat.

pikey's picture

I’ve not yet started drinking yet Christine but given the poor conditions at present and the strong chance of further precipitation I to vote to hold a bike free committee meeting.


Drew Peacock's picture

Guys the tavs 4 me 2nite

hope to see u there. Christina i like girls who love there food so i will be over to say gidday.

get there early because its cougar nite.

dangersean's picture

Xray vision would be fun wouldn't it!

Thanks for you input there blondie.

To be bleeding literal, can you all let me know if you will be leaving your bike at home and joining us dry people in the tavern?

Paul's picture

I'll be there sans bike.

It's a perfect opportunity to discuss all bike related matters and not having ridden since DW and probably not riding until around the 30th I too have become a foodie - (remind me to order the chicken caesar)

christine's picture

Ummm Sean – you call me Blondie when even I can see that Pikey, Gary, Paul and now Drew (looking forward to meeting you!) are all eating and NOT riding…

pikey's picture

I'm signing off the PC now, my 15 yr old needs to go online and kill people Smiling

See you all soon without the bicycles


The Liver is Evil and must be punished Sticking out tongue

dangersean's picture

Stop being cheeky, you know I can't type fast on my phone Eye-wink

Dibbler's picture

The forcast yesterday was for a couple of showers and I caught both of them riding to/from work. I have the car today and plan to stay dry. Stuart

Morgan's picture

I knew there was something about Wednesday nights I was missing.

MDOldFart's picture

Sorry ignore my mistake, wrong thread

anke13's picture

Sounds like a great "non-ride". I might join you for dinner, since it's too wet to run Sad

See you at 19:35 Smiling

lozza6's picture

I just got home and saw this....

A ride without bikes would be perfect for me... hmmm

i'll make some calls Smiling

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