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Is it just me or is it a guy thing or what?
OK so I am curious to get some views on 'social riding".
Christine is frequently seen to talk about this phenomenon, and I must say I have heard of it often, and tried to do it myself, usually at the request of others.
But here is the problem - I can't seem to do it. While those who have ridden with me may well say that my pace is at best a social one, since I am old and decrepit, nevertheless I have only one speed - as fast as I can possibly go in the conditions presented.
I have often tried to take it easy, enjoy the scenery and the ride, but it ain't a happening thing. Even on my morning commute, I recently thought OK, lets just take it quietly today, get to the office without being completely shagged. For about 5 or maybe even as long as 7 minutes it seemed to work, but then suddenly I found myself once again hammering along as fast as my legs could go, and once again arrived at the office with sweat rolling from the brow and panting like a big dog in summer.
Whats with that??
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Called Testosterone , and it drives us to push to capacity at every opportunity . well at least as far as our aging bodies allow ....or the same substance in the presence of pretty girls , show off like teenagers ( we never grow up )
I suffer for the same issue kiwiboy. I can't go on social rides anymore for fear of upsetting someone. I try my best to sit at the back but as soon as a hill comes, either up or down I only have one speed. Perhaps that is why I am nursing a duff neck from the weekends crash
Im recovering from this problem there are a few remedies.
Flog yourself during the week so you are tired by the time you hit your social ride with your mates
handicap yourself, a bit of carb loading the night before alwasy slows me down.
Still go hard but just wait at every juction
Do double hills {makes you look like a smartarse}
i sure there are others
It's because you're afraid of your masculinity, or more to the point, you have to keep proving to yourself that you are masculine enough.
I for one know I'm Manly enough, I have three kids that all look like me to prove it. Yes, I know, poor things.
Stop trying to prove to yourselves that you are more than just a shadow of your former selves and enjoy the journey for what it is.
It's either that, or at our age we just realise that we are running out of minutes left on this planet and are trying desperately to save as many of them as possible for the pursuit of other things.
The Old Fart
Take the tip and get rid of it before you get on the bike. Social pace assured.
Just check your hair first hey?
i think deep down we all want to be like 'fully loaded man!' i hardly watch tv but i love that ad!
Simple fact is hurtling through single track is a hell of a lot of fun and isn't that why why ride in the first place? Cause it's fun?
With our lot we try to have regular stops to regroup and chat, normally at the top of a hill or at a junction.
Some of us like to stop and chat
It's a great opportunity to get to know who you're riding with. There are lots of people whose names I still don't know for that very reason - they don't stop and chat.
Someone once said that 99% of bikers spend 99% of their time trying to go faster than the next person.
Me never!
(exepcially if they are on a nicer looking bike than mine and have more gears aka when I'm on my SS)
I completely agree with you. I either ride with a few mates who are at the same level and we push each other in to doing things we've never would have done on our own or I ride on my own so I can go as hard as my fragile little body can go. If I can't do that I rather go surfing or something else.
Sometimes I take my kids for a ride and even then I can't hold back, worst is I start to challenge them and it always ends in blood and tears and forced promises not to tell mum. I think it is a bloke thing.
It isn't just about the speed or the ego issues some of you may or may not carry - some roid boys can ride socially very well...
those ones that can slow down do - Supergav is great at that as is Paul, Lozza and Ben etc...
those that can't go slower either do laps and come back to the slower riders (social being my preferred word) ..junkie is good at that as is Tien
they wait for the re-grouping and actually chat when everyone re-groups rather than seeing an approaching rider and sprinting off before their arrival!
However, some of you are just simply crap at social riding and so are just plainroidys!
Thats my personal take on it anyway!
when i ride my mtb on the road (notice i dont scum up) with friends
i find that i talk and relax on the bike
but off road its all business no talking and no taking it easy
talk at the begining and any stops along the way
but not while riding
i dont know why
i notice when doing either with friends though that the hill/competetive streak comes out and i must be the first to the top or clock the fastest speed down
again not sure why
maybe it is a guy thing
Not sure it's a guy thing? Have you been on a ride with Vanina?
Yeah Ladytoast is on to something, V is also the same. And she takes great pleasure on beating boys that think they will bet her cause "Shes a Girl".
At least once a week she will tell me about someone that tried to race, then she put the hammer down.
Social speed is a necessary skill but it is similar to driving a car at 40kms through a school zone not that exciting. To me mountain biking is all about having fun, the faster my speed the more fun I have and the bigger the rush.
surely the bigger the rush you are in the faster you need to go
In my case.. the faster my speed the more fun I have and the bigger the crash.
its hard being elite like I am at social riding isn't it?
I must admit, it does take a fair amount of training to get to this level. You will see that contrary to common perception you will in fact never find the n00bs able to maintain a skilled social pace at the back. You will find the fresh guns always at the front trying to push to their maximum keen to go when a stop is made, keen to push ahead of those in front etc etc... Often the seasoned veterans are at the back enjoying each others company, sharing a yarn or twelve throughout the ride. You do often see glimpses of hope with some new ones dropping back to have a chat, yet often are easily distracted and off trying to push back to the front again. It is comical seeing people 'win' social rides but as they become more experienced they do eventually develop the skills to maintain the elite social riders' pace.
Once achieved I must admit its a whole different level of riding... you reach a zen like state indescribable to the regular 'racer'
Unfortunately I am out of action for sometime and when i return to riding, I will be far from those skilled elite riders like Sissy, Cupcake, Buck, Ditty etc... I fear I will suffer from spurt racing on social rides urged on form my months spent off the trails and wheels, however with time I hope to bring back the skills I once had and ride amongst the greats again in the hailed ranks of elite social riders.
Just hang around with me some more. You'll then learn to ride at a more relaxed pace...
We could discuss all sorts of things, like why in Star Wars the Rebellion thought it acceptable to blow up the Death Star and end the lives of quite possibly very innocent blue collar workers, who were simply working, or maybe the merits of robots that change into cars, trucks or planes, and how the world would be so much better if this phenomenon were real. Or how cool it is that the humble wallaby can thrive in almost any environment that they happen to be released in...
Things like that.
Or do you just need to get some more sun ??
I work in a bike shop! It's all fun and games there.
There's the track stand game, the ride the Demo 8 down the stairs and around the corner game, and endless wheelie/stoppie type games. Most fun is the Longest BMX skid game.
Plus I have to constantly dress/undress the lady mannequins to keep abreast with current cycling fashion trends, which are usually created by me anyway. And top up the other P & A. Arrange the bikes nicely ensuring colours don't clash and they are grouped correctly and in ascending size order.
Tough work.
Delicious those topics are dear to my heart, perhaps we could also add the potential conflict caused by time travel inconsistencies as portrayed in the new Star Trek movie, and similar interesting topics.
As I said originally, my pace wold be considered by most to be "social" at best, and I do find myself lingering (albeit unintentionally) at the back of packs, but nevertheless I am going hard, for me...
Can I help with the mannequins??
if at first you don't succeed, try not to look astonished.
In inconsistencies of time travel in films upsets me greatly.
And no, the mannequins are all mine. Especially the one I've named Christine Carter. I'm especially fond of her. She's wearing a complete Netti Womens winter cycling outfit and I've placed an '09 Specialized Epic next to her...
This is seriously kinky. Leaves nothing to the imagination....
Apocalyptic visions of Delicious' re-decorated Showroom?
May all your lines be the right ones...
social speed, i must admit is sometimes necessary, but very difficult to ride at on a constant basis. quick story, while i was scumming it recently (yes i do scum) - i was on an all day ride, those who social speeded the day had saddle rash the worst and those that rode to their pace didn't ... too much chatty chatty can lead to chaffey chaffey
Will Levy