You are hereRed Hill now Black
Red Hill now Black

I doubt anyone has missed the news about bushfires near Narrabeen. Judging from the pictures on ABC news just now seems like Red Hill will be very black this weekend.
Story on the fires from the ABC site:
Sadly can't find any pictures online that show the extent of the area affected, but from the few seconds seen on the TV am guessing it's quite a lot - from Picnic Point south to at least where the 'legs' of the Red Hill stick man fork off (look at the north part of this map to get the gist - Picnic Point is the 'head').
Update - Oh wait, found this: the video online. Around 300m South of that 'leg' fork there's a house with oval pool, you can clearly see the fire very close to that property, and also the AoS and Wakehurst Parkway to the North. Around 1.5Km between those points at least.
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249 Hectares all up.
Yup, well burnt. Went through there when the bushies were just getting it under control. Been through again two days ago. Awesome and kinda surreal. All those bushes that used to hide the hillside are no longer. Plenty of trees covering the tracks and plenty of ash to mess you up. Going again this arvo. Can't wait.