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PM Upgrade - Clean your inbox!

I'm thinking of upgrading the PM module to a newer (and naturally better) version. It changes the way things work to more of a 'chat' model than being similar to email as now.
Trouble is that as this is completely different model there is no upgrade path and will have to clear (delete) all messages in the system.
I notice there's 137 unread messages lying around but over 14,000 in total. NB: privacy advocates can chill out: 'select newmsg, count(*) from privatemsg group by newmsg;' doesn't exactly tell you anything but counts
Any objections? I would archive the old table of course and be able to pull out anyone's mailbox and email it to them on request.
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I do refer to my inbox from time to time, but I realise it would be painful to archive for every user. Is it possible to provide instructions on how we could archive ourselves? Even a flat file as a single message in the new INBOX would be of use.
Once you read a PM its old news, bty, i never deleted any until just now....all empty and ready for Robs upgrade.
The Liver is Evil and must be punished
Hmmm... Well, officially it says there's no upgrade path, but then I poke around and see:
Will mess about with this in dev and see what it does and let you know.
hundreds of the bloody things! pah! dead wood anyway!
All info into one email and posted to myself. so easy. having said that i didnt have hundreds like Gazza!
done, but not hundreds, Gazza u must have a lot of friends!!!!
lazy programmers write a conversion script.
They'll spend 30mins writing a script to do a one off job in 10mins that would have otherwise taken 20min...
Bl00dy managers that don't understand the concept of changes involved means data conversion isn't an option.
phew, all is right with the world!
Hmmmm... this is interesting.
I just upgraded to the latest version of the PM module on the test system and it seems to work fine. So I then put it live... let me know (maybe via email
) if you see any funnies.
More to the point this is not the threaded conversation thingo - seems that will be coming in D6 (read: major site upgrade).
So anyhow, bottom line is you can ignore this thread for a while. Oops
Looking good Rob. Liking the avatars too.
Yeah - we should have them on the forum posts too, to be honest. When I've done the D6 upgrade, eh?
Is the email notification for PM's working? I just got a PM and didn't get an email?!
It's meant to mail you daily if you haven't been on the site to see the usual notification. Erm... I think, or at least that's what the other version did. Ie. if you are regularly on the site it won't bother mailing you.
previously I swear I got emails notifications immediately.
I did. As soon as a message hit my inbox I got an email.