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National Parks and Wildlife Act

Thought a few people might like this, given the chat about NPWS of late.
Basically, National Parks appear to be governed by the National Parks and Wildlife Act 1974 No 80. It's online here:
Some interesting parts are (and I have snipped some of the sections of course):
2A Objects of Act:
(1) The objects of this Act are as follows:
(c) fostering public appreciation, understanding and enjoyment of nature and cultural heritage and their conservation,72AA Objectives and content of plans of management:
(1) The following matters are to be taken into consideration in the preparation of a plan of management for land reserved under this Act:
(l) the provision of opportunities for public understanding, enjoyment and appreciation of natural and cultural heritage values, including opportunities for sustainable visitor use,
(t) benefits to local communities,73B Adoption, amendment and cancellation of plans of management:
(3) The Minister may, on the recommendation of the responsible authority:
(a) amend or alter a plan of management from time to time,
(5) The responsible authority is to cause the amendment, alteration or new plan of management to be prepared as soon as possible.
Which, as far as I see means NPWS has a duty to help the public enjoy nature, and activly encourage sustainable visitation in their Plan of Management. Where this would benefit the local community (through the economic impact of jobs created through... say... mountain bike retail & service) all the better.
Moreover, the minister may ask that a PoM be changed at any time, and NPWS (the responsibly authority) are duty bound to act on this ASAP.
The way I see it, the Garigal PoM document is not in-keeping with this legislation. You note that I have been asking for this document to be reviewed ever since we've had contact with NPWS. I would suggest that if they would like to show willingness to help riders doing so would be a good start.
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Check out this document from the Finnish Environment Ministry
"Finland’s legal concept of everyman’s right gives everyone the chance to enjoy outdoor pursuits, and the freedom of the country’s vast forests and fells, and many lakes and rivers, with few restrictions.
You may:
Walk, ski or cycle freely in the countryside, except in gardens and the immediate vicinity of people’s homes, and in fields and plantations which could easily be damaged."