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ChopStiR's picture

Is this not the best cycling ad to date? "Hop On"

NB: Originally posted elsewhere on the Global Riders Network and appears via syndication.

"Hop on" - Cycling Canada

Greg P's picture

What happens when you take cycling seriously

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An interesting article in Saturday's AFR on NZ's efforts to provide facilities for cyclists and the effect it can have on the economy.

The 18 “Great Rides” comprising the New Zealand Cycle Trail will span the country and are designed to be conquered by biking dynamos and amateurs alike. When completed early next year, it will provide 2300 kilometres of trail, linking up with other largely on-road cycling routes and giving tourists more opportunities to cover the country by bike.

Flynny's picture

National Parks and tourism

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Based on the call for comment Rob posted here

Below is my submission

The Secretary
Task Force on Tourism and National Parks
GPO Box 7050
Sydney 2001

Dear Sir

As a keen park visitor and avid cyclist I read with interest the
recent report into park usage and am pleased a task force has been set
up to help encourage an increase in sustainable tourism use.

A major limit to my visitation, and that of many other cyclists, is
the severely restricted access of cycling on trails with in National

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