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Tourism and NSW national parks

Some rather exciting news that could mean better access to NSW National Parks may be forthcoming in the future.
The NSW Government's State Plan seeks to increase visitation to our national parks, and reserves by 20 per cent by 2016. To meet this target it is vital that we provide high quality and diverse visitor experiences and promote these special places effectively, while ensuring the protection of their conservation values.
Submissions are invited from interested individuals and organisations on tourism and national parks. Written submissions are invited, and should be lodged by close of business Monday 29 August 2008.
Yes - I know - August 29 this year is not a Monday, they must mean the Friday that week.
The addresses for submission are on the page this was taken from here:
Any suggestions about what needs to be said in response? If you do write can you please post about it in the Action I've Taken forum.
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The site link there has changed and now states "Monday 29 August 2008" is last day for submissions.
Think they mean Friday 29 August?
what entails a submission? can i just write them to give suggestions or do you need to provide them with an detailed plan of what they should do?
Just write a letter with suggestions. They don't expect you to act as a management consultant
Yeah - Noel's was quiet good and to the point:
Hi all... remember this?
Closes this Friday. Hope everyone has written in and explained how better riding access & facilities will get people into national parks.
I have to say i am only new to this forum but not at all new to the mountain bike scene.
After a great deal of thought i really think a dedicated recreation park is what is needed,after talking to the manager of stromlo forest park in the ACT there approach is what we need,a local government backed park,but not just for mountain bikers it would include area's for horses,walking,bmx,4x,dh,xc and so on.All the hard work has been done for us,all we have to do is copy them and make it better.
Also by joing up with these other groups we would have incredible people power. And that is all it takes to get the powers at be to sit up and take notice and thus get things happening.
Can i suggest a monthly local meeting with a donation box to cover the hall hire to get everyone on the same page,not just mountain bikers,also equestrian,bushwalkers maybe,bmx and so on.
Just look at the sport and recreation grounds neer narrabeen,that would have cost a fortune.
As for pay as you use,why would you have someone collecting money,simple once a year registration,which everyone that i know would be more than happy to pay if they had a legal challenging place to ride and enjoy,maybe $200 per person per year(all riders to display stickers on bike) and if thousands register will be the case if it is the only park in sydney,you do the math.We get the government to build it,we help design,maintain and enjoy. Now this is not far fetched as we are at the perfect time to get this.With the added local economy boast from tourism,it would pay for itself from a government perspective in no time.
We would all love well designed, world class challenging trails,we just have to get together to make it happen,hundreds of us.