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Tentative Planning (MTB)
If you have a pretty much definate plan for a ride then this is not the place for you. You should be creating a ride meeting entry instead, which will appear in the calendar, etc.
This forum is for talking over tentative plans, asking opinions on rides, etc.

A ride at Parramata Lake
On tuesday i have to go to Parramata, I have something to do in the morning but after that i would like to go for a ride. I am not too fussy about the time. Anyone interested?

Wisemans Ferry ride
Looking at doing the Wisemans ferry ride. ie old North Road to the Buddhist Temple and back on March 14th?
It is about 30km out and back and is a mildly technical ride. Great fun and spectacular terrain.
Looking for show of interest.

oxford falls or ourimbah
im thinking of a bit of a explore/blast on the downhill, early sat 27/2/10, never been to ourimbah before and 12+months since i halfarsed attempted some of the oxford falls tracks, either place would be good, any takers or tourguides?

Manly Daily: Way clear for bikers at Manly Dam … at walkers’ expense
Reporting in today's Manly Daily:
Hopefully this might help reduce the damage the Council decision could do future trail advocacy efforts.

6th March Manly Dam "Protest Ride" => "Joy Ride"?
Just wondering, now that the trail has been reopened to MTB's, can this ride be turned into a joy ride?
The Dam will never have seen so many riders going around the trail at the same time!!!

Fill the Gallery: Send Warringah Council a Message Tuesday Night 23 February!
UPDATE: 10:54AM 23/2
The Manly Daily has requested to be able to send a photographer between 6:00 and 6:30 to the session tonite. This needs a Council resolution.
It is rare for TMD to pay overtime, so this is a BIG DEAL. We need to PACK that gallery. See below for details.
The mayor has flip-flopped again on mtb access to Manly Dam singletrack. We need to encourage him to develop some backbone when it matters most.

Weekend away suggestion
I am looking for some suggestions about a good weeekend away for a couple of family groups with the emphasis (as far as the dads are concerned) with riding some good trails. We are thinking south from Sydney, around Jervis Bay or the Southern Highlands. Somewhere that has some good XC rides for us during the way and some nice accomodation for the ladies to amuse themselves with a glass of wine and perhaps a massage while the kids run riot. Retiring to the bar or in front of an open fire would top things off nicely.

Singletrack at Tinonee
Dropped into a bike shop in Tuncurry yesterday, and mention was made of about 30km of singletrack network at Tinonee, southwest of Taree. Trail features some low bridges and skinnies apparently.
It's about 4hrs drive north of Sydney, but I have a house we can bunk down at in Forster (my folks') - providing you promise to behave. I'm thinking last weekend in March.
I'm likely to be up for a second shoulder op in April/May so this would be last big ride for awhile. I don't know the area at all, so will probably try to organise a local guide.
Who's interested?

I am thinking of riding Appin tomorrow aiming on being there sometime before 12pm so can get in ride and get out before traffic kicks in. Is anybody keen to join?