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Site down... WTF!?
Sorry for the extended outage just now folks.
Had to reboot the server (front intake fan needed replacing) and for some reason when it came back none of the Kernel modules would load. Lots of errors as the silly thing thinks I changed the cpu!
version magic ' mod_unload 686 4KSTACKS ' should be ' mod_unload K8 4KSTACKS '
Great, huh? So it's in a 'barely alive' state right now after I shoved just enough modules in ('-f' is your friend) to get the network going and the site up.
Just for fun one of the RAID arrays decided it needed a rebuild too, although that could be down to me having to pull the plug a couple times.
Hmmmm... think a kernel rebuild is in order, might as well upgrade while we're at it.
Such is the life of your sysop!