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Expensive day out
After just 25 mins of riding through mud and sand in a downpour yesterday. To be fair, the jockey wheels (pulleys) were gone anyhow, but it was the brakes and rest of the drive train that took a real pounding.
See one of these sets of pads is still all bright and shiny - they were around two weeks old. Both ends were down to the last 10th mm or something.
Manly Dam closed
As if you couldn't guess
Greetings Mountain Bike Community
Due the recent deluge of rain and highly erosive conditions, the Manly Dam mountain bike track will be closed as of Tuesday 21 August until and inclusive of Friday 31 August 2007. If it continues to rain the closure time will be extended and we will inform you of this decision. Thank you all for your help and cooperation.
Nicole McVicar
Park Ranger
Manly Dam
Warringah Council
112 King St Manly Vale NSW 2093
ph (02)9949 3235
mob 0409 773 097For further information on Manly Dam visit: