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This year's Highland Fling: a true hardman's race? What was your take?
The reports are starting to trickle in, and today's race down in Bundanoon was one for the hardmen - and hard women - by the sound of it.
One of the biggest Marathons of the year, the Fling always draws a great field, who this year were joined on the start line by a world tour road pro - bet you are wondering how he went? Throw in a whole lot of wet and windy stuff and the recipe looks a treat for those who like to read of adversity, and of overcoming.
If you were down in Bundanoon today we'd love to hear how you went. Why not share in a blog entry linked to our 2013 Highland Fling page. Include your result to get it built into a local leader board and history in your profile.
All the stories are always appreciated by those of us who couldn't make it!

Water Damage to the Awaba DH Trail.
This is a photo taken today of sediment runoff from Mt Faulk road onto the berm below the scorpion gap at Awaba. The road was freshly graded not long ago.
the sediment in here would be up to 500mm deep in the middle of the berm.
A lot of work had been done here in the past to make sure water coming from the road above doesn;t erode the trail, but we have never had a sediment deposit situation before.

Rain guards
Hey guys
Have been pretty fecked off with commuting in all the wet weather we've had over the last month. Even if it's not raining and only the road is wet I still get a constant spray into my face, I wear glasses but they don't stop the rest of me from getting wet. So I'm considering buying a set of guards I can quickly chuck on if I know it's going to be more than a little damp out there.

Mud is Gud!
What can be said about this race that cannot be gathered from the pictures? It was top fun despite being a little wet and muddy. Sadly it was a bit of a bike killer but c'est la vie.
The course was short and 30 minute times were expected so we elected to do double laps in daylight, triples at night and play by ear on Sunday. Not being present at the previous night's 'democratic' vote I was sent out for laps 1 & 2 but given the staggered start (solo, 2s & 3s + 1 minute, 4s + 2 minutes, rest + 3 minutes) didn't expect much traffic. Little did we know riding first would work very much to my advantage as things played out but more of that later.

Downhill Bog
Taken 28 Jun '08. Hasn't rained for over a week and has been warm and sunny since then.
Clearly this one of the sections of Manly Dam requiring the most attention. This is on the downhill from parkway to creek, just before the left/right final bend. I'm sure if you are familiar with the dam you know this spot.

Wet Weather - Please Avoid Manly Dam
We've not heard anything from the rangers, but given this week has been one of the wettest all year (see weather and look at the 6-ish month graph) think it would be wise to avoid Manly Dam at the moment.
Sorry folks, it's easy for those of us heading down South to say, but really think you're going to find a boggy mud fest at Manly if you ride there.