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State Forest

Penrose State Forest

At a Glance

Status: Unknown
Double Track:
5 for 5.6km (8%)
13 for 59km (88%)
Single Track - Enclosed:
4 for 2.2km (3%)

Penrose State Forest Gallery

Penrose used to have quiet a bit of juicy single track. Those that did the first Highland Fling back in 2005 will remember this. Sadly a lot of this has been logged. There are small parts left and perhaps the trail fairies have been busy? Or perhaps you just like riding round forest firer trail as there's lots of that here too.

Mogo State Forest

At a Glance

Status: Unknown
Single Track - Enclosed:
2 for 4.5km (100%)

Mogo State Forest Gallery

Miles and miles of the sweetest single track you'll find. When climbing the often brutal hills remember what comes up must come down - and when it comes down on flowing sniggle what's not to love?!

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