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trials bike fore sale
bought this 26 inch wheel onza trials bike a month before my accident last september and due to my arm not being able to straighten( and probably never will) im putting it up for sale, think it was worth about 1400 new but i got it on sale a bit cheaper. its only been ridden twice so is in good condition, its got magura hydro rim brakes and mostly onza parts. quick sale, $600 no offers. any interest just p.m. me

olympic park!
I had my valedictory dinner last night down at acer arena so we stayed close by and couldn't resist getting up early to go check out what they had on offer. Great place for an early AM muck around.
Making progress with it.

So I took the plunge and got myself a trials bike! Its pretty amazing. In anticipation I was trying to learn to back hop on my giant (no success) and on dads green machine hardtail (still no success) and almost as soon as i got on it i was able to 1-3 hops on the rear wheel before falling off. Sweet.