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trials bike fore sale

GAZZA's picture

By GAZZA - Posted on 14 August 2008

bought this 26 inch wheel onza trials bike a month before my accident last september and due to my arm not being able to straighten( and probably never will) im putting it up for sale, think it was worth about 1400 new but i got it on sale a bit cheaper. its only been ridden twice so is in good condition, its got magura hydro rim brakes and mostly onza parts. quick sale, $600 no offers. any interest just p.m. me

Matt's picture

Oh well, if you must shed the coolest bike you have then I hear Lozza is in the market...

lozza6's picture

Matts right, I'll buy it!


GAZZA's picture

to all the guys who p.m.'d me. i have to let lozza have first pick at the bike as he was the first person to show an interest. thanks anyway guys. i have great plesure in telling you lot though that all proceeds of the sale go towards my new road bike!!!!!!!!!!

ar_junkie's picture

Returning to roots ay mate?

GAZZA's picture

its gonna be a hard ride tomorrow. mind you, stay up late and give me more chance to keep up!

lozza6's picture

You scummer, my money cant go towards something so sinful! Sticking out tongue

heheh jk

Looking forward to trialing this bike Eye-wink Been waiting soo long to pick up a trials bike! Laughing out loud


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