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I am planning to put on some new tires before the Scott 24hr as my old Rocket Ron's are worn out (only at back). I am riding a scott scale 60 and would anyone be able to recommend some brands of tires that work well for speed and grip and dont tend to cause flats. Does it matter if the 2 tires are different and have different tread patterns on them as well.

Dirtworks 100 Tire choice
Hey NSW, what tires will suit dirtworks 100. I have Maxxis Aspen, Stans Raven or Racing Ralph. Like fast rolling and some grip!!! What do you recommend to someone who is unfamiliar with NSW, cheers
[Mod. moved to MTB Events]

First Flat
Well, it had to happen sooner or later... on this morning's jaunt over to Manly and back[1] the crosser got it's first flat... ever. A very, very slow one at that, but eventually I felt the rear was a bit wobbly and looked down to see the deflation.
Had to stop on Manly beach front and change the tube. Yeah, tough place for it to happen Stopped off at Manly Cycles to top of the inflation with their floor pump. The dude there commented on my jersey (JetBlack Sydney 24 - see, it always helps to wear MTB event jerseys when <cough>scumming</cough>).
Consulting Garmin Connect, says I've ridden 6700km on the Bianchi. Hmmm... no wonder the tires look a bit worn (yup - same set of Conti Contact touring tires on there the whole time). Guess this is not a bad record in the flat department

Slicks for my 29er MTB
Hi Gang, I want to get another set of wheels for my 29er mtb and put a set of slicks on them - I love it so much I dont want to ride my roady anymore!
Any recommendations for a good quality strong set of rims and also good slick tyres?
Also, slightly off topics, I put my Woodford to Glenbrook ride up on for those of you who are interested. 58 mins ride time.