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Hobnobbing at KOM2
Last Friday I was lucky enough to be invited to a bit of a shindig at the LBS (you know - Local Bike Shop).
Up until now my LBS was probably Cranks in North Sydney (Alfred St) which was a short trundle away. Now however, I'm lucky enough to have a branch of King of the Mountain Cyclery all of a few hundred metres from the front door. Excellent!
As this is their second store (the first being in Cremorne), it's known as KOM2. Very nice place it is too. Honest... the free beer and food has not clouded my judgement!
Anyhow - despite being frequented by a few too many <cough>road riders</cough> it was a nice little gathering to have a nosy at the place and talk... erm... shop?
Cunningly it turns out that the top two riders on the Manly Dam Hot Laps board both work for KOM now. I'll bet that makes for some interesting in-shop banter!
I wish you guys well, now to get some trails built on the oval the other block over and life will be complete
P.S. Some pictures of said store and stuff attached. The workshop was built in part by Gary Harwood - Carpenter Deluxe, very nice!

Wanted: Canno taurine/ f1 for sub 3k?
Hows it going guys
Looking for a Cannondale Taurine or a f1 for under 3k?
avid 7s?
tubeless rims?
fisik saddle?
fsa or cannondale cranks?
x9 or x0 rear derailler