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3rd Rider wanted for 7hr at Glenrock
Hey all,
We're chasing a 3rd rider for the RockyTrail 7hr at Glenrock in a couple of weeks.
We'll be looking to go pretty quick and are looking for someone at a similar level, but also just there for fun and to have a good race. If you're keen to have a crack, let me know.
If we can't find anyone, we'll probably just stick with pairs and see how we go.

Snakes in Glenrock
Just a word of warning, the warm weather has the local snakes out and about.
Wednesday afternoon I came across a 1.5m black snake and this morning a brown snake.
Both laying across the trail, both just avoided.
Probaby need to put an emergency bandage in the backpack just incase.
[Mod. moved to Newcastle & Hunter]

Chuck at the beach

Tim at the beach

Flying bike
Ian after launching.

Up and over
Tim rolling up.

Rolling up
Ian ready to fly.

Tim calling for a tour guide

night rides
anyone night riding at the moment???

The Chute can be Dangerous!
My buddy did the chute 2 times and then on his third go this happened!