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[Hornsby Area] Please "Bang the Table"!
Please "Bang the Table" and comment and/or vote on some of the pro mountain bike comments:
We want MTB incorporated more within the design. We need a MTB link to go from Hornsby, down to the Fire Trails in the valley. This is THE (almost only) ideal location to get out of the valley and up to the Hornsby Plateau.
It doesn't matter where you live, you may like to visit one day and ride the trails once we secure them.
All support appreciated.
Thank you!

HSC Progress
At the Ordinary Meeting of 10 December 2008 Council considered the Executive Manager
Environment’s Report EN49/08 regarding the Hornsby Shire Unstructured Recreation
Strategy and resolved to adopt the Strategy, to further investigate the development of
mountain bike trails within the Hornsby local government area and to report to Council the
results of investigations into mountain bike trails.

Hornsby Shire Mountain Bike Alliance (HSMBA) Invites Trail Ideas
The first HSMBA Newsletter has been sent to approximately 300 registered members. The Newsletter invites trail ideas AND requests all members to encourage another 1 or 2 friends to register with HSMBA. Please submit trail ideas by April 1st 2009 to [email protected]. There are various ways you can provide your trail ideas..