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Belrose Landfill

Whistler/Rotorua/WSN Belrose Comparison
Over the years there's been bit of enthusiasm about the potential for MTB activities at the WSN Site at Belrose (aka. Belrose Tip). Obviously, any development that works for mountain bike riders is a good thing, and broadly supported by the MTB community.
Unfortunately, when I looked into this one in a bit more detail, I started to get a little worried that we might be focusing too much effort on a project that just can't work out was we might have hoped.

Meeting of Belrose Waste & Recycling Centre Community Advisory Committee
I hear that the Belrose Waste & Recycling Centre Community Advisory Committee are having a meeting at Mon 15th (June 2009) 3.30 pm at Covenant Christian School, directions here:
It would be good if someone from the MTB community could go to this. I believe the plan for the old Belrose Landfill is to turn the area into a recreational site and although this might not happen for some time it's important for the planners to know MTB riders are here and could benefit from this.