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Winco's picture

Cowan Trail Update

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Here is the official response I managed the elicit from NPWS which they were very kind to provide on official letterhead. I have attached a JPEG image of the letter so you can save, print out and keep in your backpack as I will just in case you are stopped or abused by walkers when riding the trail. Alternatively, you can PM for a PDF version. Here's the email I received last week:

I can confirm that mountain bikes are permitted to use the Cowan Track / Fire trail (that goes off the Long trail) in KCNP.

Winco's picture

Cowan Trail (Terry Hills) Confirmed As Out of Bounds

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I decided today to get confirmation from NPWS if it was legal to ride the Cowan Fire trail which forks off West about 850m from the Long/Perimeter junction. Whilst this site indicates it is okay to ride the trail, I have noticed there are no signs confirming you can ride at the trail head. This is the response I received back which confirms the trail is out of bounds for MTBkrs.

Hi Peter,

woftt's picture

Cowan Track

Hi - does anyone know if Cowan track open to riding?

I did ride it on the weekend to get a full 50k out of 2 x P & L loops. But I was not sure with it being gated off.

Shame if it isn't it has the best view of Apple tree bay!!!

Apologies to the Turramurra Cycling rider I nearly cleaned up on return from the Long Trail loop. Had I not had new pads and disc inserted we could of ended up in a nasty mess.

[Mod. moved to Northern Beaches]

loki's picture

Cowan Trail

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Can anyone comment on the legality of riding the Cowan Trail that runs off Long Trail at Terrey Hills please?
It appears to be a fire trail but has a sign saying walkers only...

There is also this comment in the ride section for Terrey Hills:
"Cowan Track
The Cowan Track forks off West about 850m from the Long/Perimeter junction. Although it is signposted, "Walkers Only" we have word from a that park rangers have confirmed riders are allowed here."

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