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We Need You, Now! The Future Of Northern Beaches Mountain Biking Is In Your Hands!
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On Thursday 30 June 2011 a survey will go live on Council's website that aims to collect demographic and participation data from residents and visitors who ride mountain bikes in Warringah. The survey is an important component of the mountain bike research that is being undertaken by Council. It demonstrates to the mountain biking community that we are looking closely at the current and future provision of facilities in Warringah.

Legal Freeride "Southshore"
Check this out, legal freeride???
They need some chicken wire on that shore for the wet!

Cowan Trail
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Can anyone comment on the legality of riding the Cowan Trail that runs off Long Trail at Terrey Hills please?
It appears to be a fire trail but has a sign saying walkers only...
There is also this comment in the ride section for Terrey Hills:
"Cowan Track
The Cowan Track forks off West about 850m from the Long/Perimeter junction. Although it is signposted, "Walkers Only" we have word from a that park rangers have confirmed riders are allowed here."