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What is involved in a site upgrade?
For all the non-nerds out there I thought it might be interesting to give a small insight into what was involved with the site upgrade that happened over the weekend.
This also might be useful for any other admins out there upgrading from Drupal 5->6 (D5 to D6). Sadly this is still a little tricky, but hopefully upgrades will become less painful as the product matures.
Although Drupal 6 has been around since Feb 2008 it's taken 16 months to upgrade NoBMoB to this version, and here's why...

Email notifications not working?
I'll have to test this more but I don't think I am getting mail notifications with the D6 upgrade. I wasn't getting PM alerts with the upgraded mail system on the old site. Is there a new setting I need to check?

D6 Upgrade Done
What is everyone doing on the site on a Friday night? Shouldn't you be watching the cricket[1]? Or later the TdF?
Anyhow - hop to it... I'll be running a site upgrade once the tour hits our screens this evening. Should be out for 30 mins or something.
All done... and isn't it pretty?
Please start a new 'site topics' forum topic or PM/email me if you find anything funny going on!
[1] Doh... just as a wicket falls