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Talas/Float conversion 140mm
Hey all,
Wondering if anyone has done a talas to float conversion on a 32mm fork (or who has worked on floats a bit). I've got all the parts but wasn't sure which way the negative spring cup is inserted into the stanchion. Is it so the spring sits inside the cup when installed? Or other way around so cup is upside down and spring sits on outside base of cup if that makes sense. I assembled it dry the first way and have 148mm showing on the stanchion after putting 60 psi in it. That's from top of dust seal lip to crown.
Any input appreciated,

Fox FIT cartridge marks
I pulled apart my Fox 36 TALAS RC2 forks tonight to replace the semi bath oil in the lowers.
I found the below markings on the black section of the FIT cartridge. Is this wear or is this just nothing? I'm assuming it is not wear as the diameter of the black section is a lot smaller than on the silver FIT cartridge so shouldn't rub on anything.
Any ideas? Any need to be concerned? Thanks

QR15 impressions
What with the atrocious conditions lately, and the flu, and generally being lazy in the cold weather, I had only ridden the Yeti about 50k's in a month. What with El Rancho's warm up ride next weekend and a few days of warm (relatively) weather, it was an ideal opportunity to get some miles under the wheels.