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Still learning
This year is a huge learning curve for me. I still have to slow down a little at the start and pace myself.
Started off in 3rd at the end of the first lap & then slowly dropped to 7th. I felt terrible during the 2nd lap. Slow down Chris!
Going for a fun Sunday ride is one thing, the psychology of racing is entirely new to me. Always amazing to see the A graders race. Also amazing to finish a ride with a clean bike!

HMBA Awaba Rd 8. 9.30.
The meeting times are 'ready to ride'. If you need time to prepare equipment then please arrive a few minutes earlier.
Just up Jenkins Road from corner with Mount Faulk Road.
Check out HMBA website. Car boot sale from 8-9am. Racing starts at 9.30.

A 'Real' Mountain Bike Race
*I have entered this blog entry under last years event... as I cannot figure out how to log a new ride for an event that has already been run...*
A last minute spot was available for this event, & with the wife's blessing, I grabbed the chance. The 6 man team was a 'social' ride. We were here to ride, but not push ourselves silly. I had only just (1 day earlier) semi-recovered from the manflu. I had to borrow some LED lights & throw the mattress in the back of the X-Trail. I was looking at buying a good LED, but hadn't purchased one yet.

HMBA Round 3 - A lesson in preparation.
A lesson in preparation.
As I ran out the door at 8am, I grabbed my gear & threw it in the car. I'd never been to Singleton before, but I was guessing it was 90 min away. As I put my bike on the roof, I noticed that the back tyre was flat. I'd ridden it just yesterday for 20 min and it was fine... No time to fix the tubeless system now.
As I arrived at Singleton, I quickly registered, and upacked my gear. As I put on my sunglasses, the frame broke. (Thanks to Andy for the loan of his 2nd pair) I quickly threw a tube into the rear tyre & raced back to the start.

This was my first local club race - & a great learning experience. Having come out of a recent cold & minor ankle surgery, I signed up for D grade. I found it easier than I thought... I'll be in C grade next time.
My ankle held up fine. I'm getting the stitches out today. The new parts of the track look great! I'm really looking forward to seeing the pros power around in a few weeks.
I did find it a little hard to figure out who was racing who... maybe there should be a coloured arm band system? Red = A Grade, Blue = B Grade etc.

HMBA Club Round 2 Results.
I just received the following message from our time keeper. Seems there are a few issues preventing the results going up as early as usual.
XC Results - I have a few problems getting the XC results completed. If anyone knows who rode with the following race numbers, please let me know ASAP so I can get the results sorted:
Thanks. scpryor @
If you can assist, could you please contact the above email. Sorry for the delay

VVC Awaba 10 Hour - March 5
Just a heads up that the Awaba VVC CLassic 10 Hour is on on Saturday 5th march.
Entries are open at
What's the VVC 10 hour ??
The info is all at, but to cut a long story short it's a race with the emphasis on fun. Entire teams can get out and lap together and the sausage sizzle and post ride brew are on us.
Riders are capped at 150 and we would love to see you there.

HMBA receives funding for toilets at Awaba.
Yesterday HMBA received confirmation from the Dept of Spor and Rec that we would be receiving a grant for toilets at Awaba.
This is great news for the club and will contribute to a much needed amenity at the Awaba trails.
The club had resolved to go ahead with the toilets at the last committee meetings, so the grant will allow funds that had been allocated to the project to be diverted to the new expanded carpark, new shuttle turnaround and ultimately the next phase of trail design and construction.

Glenrock Volunteer Maintenance Day Pics from March 13, 2010
I thought this may be of interest to you guys. Of late we have been getting very active with the NPWS up here in actually getting in and maintaining the trail network.
We worked on a very difficult section of trail near the Treatment works known as “Shit Happens” and were working in conjunction with the NPWS, who have done a lot of machine work so far and will continue with this as an ongoing project.

HMBA DH/XC Round 1
The meeting times are 'ready to ride'. If you need time to prepare equipment then please arrive a few minutes earlier.
Just up Jenkins Road from corner with Mount Faulk Road. See HMBA - Awaba Mountainbike Park for details.
Cross Country racing, unless otherwise noted, is held at Awaba. Rego closes at 8:45am sharp with Juniors starting at 9am and Graded racing at 9:30am. Cost is $5 for U/17's and below, $10 for seniors (plus a day licence if required).
Downhill racing, unless otherwise noted, is held at Awaba. Rego opens after rego for XC has closed (about 9am) with racing starting at 1pm. Cost is $25 (plus a day licence if required) and includes the use of a shuttle bus and trailer for transport. An Australian Standards approved full face helmet is mandatory for all DH races.