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Southern Highlands

RowanB's picture

Open rides in the Southern Highlands???

Does anyone know which MTB trails are open in the Southern Highlands? Especially around Bundanoon and Wingello. I assume some might still be affected by the bushfires.
Any trail status updates would be appreciated.
Thanks.'s picture

Wingello MTB trails

Hey everyone. Looking at riding the trails down at Wingello with a group of kids (10-16 year olds). Some novice, some quite experienced. Have never ridden them myself. Any comments on particularly the yellow and red trails? Degree of difficulty, time taken to ride each (assume novice here), elevation gained (and lost!) on each one...Want to try and make it a memorable experience for them and encourage them to get out and ride more often. Some have ridden Oakes and other trails in blue mountains and some are regulars at Hornsby MTB trail.
Any comments greatfully received. Cheers.

hawkeye's picture

Getting muddy with curly wurly bars

*Real* CX where it doesn't matter and nobody cares if it turns into a mudfest. This could be worth keeping an eye on.

CX at The Farm 28-29 May

Register interest here:

jvesely's picture

Best trails when short of time ..


Let me start by introducing myself, I am Jan from The Netherlands. I will visit Australia for a very short time this July. I will stay in the Hyams Beach area.

I would love play around in the area (either MTB or trail running) but due to my limited time, I would appreciate if you could give me some tips. I looked at the detailed map of the area and Jerrawangala national park (with Tianjara Falls ) look really nice. Bur perhaps you know some places which are more spectacular or simply beautiful?

Thanks a lot,

dennyskux's picture

Camden River Run (Kessel Run) - Still open?

hello all,

I've heard that this track is closed now, is this true?


gadzooks's picture

Where to go this weeked

Have ridden Wingello before and am going to be down in the area again this weekend. Was thinking of maybe trying another spot, or is Wingello the best place to go to get some km under the belt. Not looking for anything too technical.
The other benefit on Wingello is I'll be with the wife and kids who'll also be riding. They can do there own riding whilst I am off. Are the other places like this too?

Any advice appreciated.

Pete B's picture

Wingello status

Anybody been down to Wingello in the last couple of days?

I may head there tomorrow if it's all good.

jedijunglesnow's picture

Welby or Wingello?

Hey there; has anybody ridden lately or happen to know the condition of the trails at either Welby or Wingello? Thinking of hitting them up on Sunday.


CB's picture

NEW single track at Wingello

Hey Guys

I've seen some comments about new(ish) single track in Wingello forest. I haven't been down to Wingello for about 9 months but I'm hoping to head down there next week. Could anyone give me an idea of where the new stuff is.... is it signposted.... is it any good.... difficulty level.... map...

Thanks in advance!


cambo's picture

Pre Kowalski Classic training ride

Looking at heading down to Wingello next week to get away from the Sydney rain and get some k's in the legs prior to the Kowalski Classic. I can do either Monday, Tuesday or Wednesday and can provide transport from Cherrybrook for additional persons. Tuesday looks best of the days for weather. Would look to leave at about 7am, do two laps of the red loop minimum and then return home via the bakeries in Bundanoon for refuelling!!! If anyone is interested please reply or PM me. Depending on interest I will then post a ride meet

[Mod. moved to Southern Highlands]

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