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Glenrock State Conservation Area update for 03 Dec
Drying out now
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Glenrock State Conservation Area update for 22 Nov
Been pretty wet over the last few days. Maybe dryer weather coming.
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Glenrock State Conservation Area update for 25 Oct
Eastcoast Mountain Trails doing work on Kenny's Trail - Detour in place
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Glenrock State Conservation Area update for 13 Oct
Been raining a lot in the last few days and gotten to the stage where it's definitely too wet to ride on the single-track. Management trails could be OK if you really have to get out.
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Glenrock State Conservation Area update for 16 Sep
We've had a lot of rain in the last couple of days and more last night.
We need some good drying weather now before the single-track trails are good to ride.
Management tracks and the gravel is all good if you really need to ride.
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Glenrock State Conservation Area update for 28 Aug
Conditions looking really good ATM
Just remember to please comply to government and NPWS restrictions
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Glenrock State Conservation Area update for 24 Aug
Been running good but very wet today - still raining.
Out for at least a couple of days.
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Glenrock State Conservation Area update for 19 Jul
Conditions much better on Sunday and dry forecast for a few days should see it good this week.
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Glenrock State Conservation Area update for 10 Jul
More rain overnight, with conditions the way they are recently and the ground already wet, trails will be too wet to ride this morning - especially the new work area on Kenny's, sadly, but it will still be prone to damage. Still some light rain in patches now and the forecast isn't great. Wait and see but it will need some time to dry out.
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Glenrock State Conservation Area update for 30 Jun
More rain this morning and things are looking pretty wet all-round on the single-track.
Still plenty of riding on the management trails if you really need to get out.
All the wet hasn’t really helped for getting the new work finished and opened up – we would really need the rest of the week to be dry for any chance at all.
Will keep that posted as it progresses.
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