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Rechargeable Canisters
Just a thought I had the other day, but does anyone know of a rechargeable CO2 canister out there on the market? All the ones I've seen are single-use, throw away jobs.
I'm thinking it wouldn't be that hard to make something about the size of a 40g cartridge that can be re-charged (to say 100-150 PSI) by using a floor pump just using regular air. That way you don't have to keep buying cylinders (and adding them to landfill), and you'd always have a free source of compressed air for either home or track use.

Has anyone had a ride of the pump track on Munibung Hill
Runs really well, super fun

[Montview] Come to April Meeting
Public meeting in April (Date & Time TBA) for any people interested to come a long and comment on the Montview Plan.
This is essentially pumps and jumps and should assist in accelerating other forms of off road cycling. Council plan to run a public meeting to get the public’s feedback about the plan to make sure they are doing what we want.
Montview is a flat sports field located in Hornsby Heights with some degraded land on it's east end.