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Fred Caterson

Video Fullers Rd Res Downhill - Fred Caterson Res - Featuring Nthn Beaches Rider Pete?? who I met on the trail
Someone might be able to confirm that this riders name was Pete (my memory is poor) and loop him in on this video.
He was riding a Kona with Maxxis Ardent tyres - is a Northern Beaches local but currently between places and staying in the Hills area.
I thought he might like to see the video I took of him descending the downhill at Fullers Rd Reserve in the area around Fred Caterson Reserve.
Also thanks for the Tip on Linksley Reserve trail - I climbed all the way up to the backyard and had a chat to the guy who built the descent.

Fred Caterson Reserve is now authorised riding!
We've spoken a few times about Fred Caterson reserve and don't think have ever got to the bottom of whether the trails in there are authorised riding or not.
Well... thanks to the new Bicycle Information for NSW site (which I have to admit is mostly pretty disappointing - hard to navigate, seems like just a collection of links to maps, hardly any MTB information) just found the The Hills off-road cycleways.