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Fred Caterson Reserve is now authorised riding!

We've spoken a few times about Fred Caterson reserve and don't think have ever got to the bottom of whether the trails in there are authorised riding or not.
Well... thanks to the new Bicycle Information for NSW site (which I have to admit is mostly pretty disappointing - hard to navigate, seems like just a collection of links to maps, hardly any MTB information) just found the The Hills off-road cycleways.
This includes a map of Castle hill and as you can see (enclosed) clearly has trails through Fred Caterson reserve shown.
This would indicate these trails are accepted and authorised by the local council which looks like great news for those out that way. Given that, we should try and get up a trail entry here to describe the area. Anyone game to give a write up a go?
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I haven't ridden in there, but I've been there for basketball a few times. Those blue "tracks" look to me like the asphalt access roads that go the various sporting facility car parks??
Agree. There is some bikepath riding through there that is shown on the map but I don't think it applies to the sniggle. I rang Hills council once on behalf of WSMTB to see about formalising the trails in there and their reply was "no never"
I race at the RC club there and have been for a pedal around to have a look as I keep seeing MTBer's scooting past our track. The Blue line thru the middle to the right is basically the sealed road then onto a path, the line to the left is just a wide gravel walkway between the 2 fields and heads up behind the bmx track. I'll try and get up there soon with the Garmin and map out whats around.
i go there every so often as its close to home.
About a 12km loop, some nice sniggle in there around the sewerage plant thing (i think thats what it is)
I hav eseen rangeers in all parts of there and always give a wave and they wave back so must be ok, there is cycleway signs on the main sections but not the single track part (but pointless to go there really without doing the single track part), about a 10-12km loop.
Garmin link
Lets not forget the BMX track in the middle of it all!
I heard about it a few years back but haven't been in there to explore yet
Wow, I remember Tuesday night racing about 15 years ago we had dodgy light systems back then lol Brad Payne was WSMTB president it wasn't long but it was good fun!
i went out there today for a quick bash
Check the garmin link