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Glenbrook/Knapsack LeTour
The meeting times are 'ready to ride'. If you need time to prepare equipment then please arrive a few minutes earlier.
Meet at Glenbrook, corner of Park and Euroka Streets
Cancelled - see you all some other time!

Kiwarrak Goodness
Just had an awesome session with a bunch of blokes from Taree this moring riding the trails around Kiwarrak.
Best fun I've had for a very long time. There's something like 30km of singletrack hidden in there, maintained by some very active trail fairies. Bridges, berms, see-saws, ramps and jumps, All-mountain, downhill, dirtjump, XC loops, it's all there. Apparently for the Easter weekend they had a few hours spare so they walked around with a petrol blower blowing the dust and leaf litter off the trail!

Glenrock loop suggestions?
I'm hoping to take my wife up to Glenrock for a cruisy explore on Sunday morning and was just wondering if anyone with experience has a loop that they would like to recommend to me? Are there any arrows or signposts there?
I've downloaded all of the NobMob maps to my Edge 705 and would like to piece a bit of a ride together before we head off.... I think I would be more popular if I know where I'm going.