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Glenrock loop suggestions?

I'm hoping to take my wife up to Glenrock for a cruisy explore on Sunday morning and was just wondering if anyone with experience has a loop that they would like to recommend to me? Are there any arrows or signposts there?
I've downloaded all of the NobMob maps to my Edge 705 and would like to piece a bit of a ride together before we head off.... I think I would be more popular if I know where I'm going.
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Here is a map of all the approved trails under the draft POM. The colours just designate different loops in the World Trail report.
A popular loop is this one
If I can find my old map with trail names, I will post it up.
There are some sweet trails south of the lagoon that are currently legal, soon to be not legal. They are on the other map if I can find it on my poor filing system.
{Mod: fixed up images]
Thanks Sam. BTW: These maps seem a bit clearer than the previous ones posted, so do you know what I have to do to turn your maps into something that I can use on my Garmin?
@unclebullbar... yup, I'm helping Lenny with this
I'll be sending rob the google earth file today.
Sunday is looking to be a very nice day for riding though. I wish it were me.
know what the condition is like up there Uncle I would like to take my brother inlaw there next time we head up that way to his house . If it is easy cruisy terrain with not too many climbs & etc, etc
When are those trails south of the Lagoon and behind Dudley beach going to be made illegal ?
Is this a temporary thing or permanent. Those trails - log on - little borneo etc are the better trails in the area, and most are in good condition - log on - being the exception.
How will this be policed ? Fines etc
Is there anything we can do, to get this area also into the plan of management for Glenrock.
Its a bit unknown when the draft POM will actually be gazetted. It is under internal review but has been there for a while.
As far as the POM goes it is intended that those trails will be rehabilitated. The trail running along the south of the lagoon to the scout camp has always been in previous POM's as a disabled access trail, the works were just never done. This is apparently now going to happen.
The hill from surfers walk though, into dudley is a huge eroded mess and part of the issue with those trails, the other being that that area is the least disturbed area of the park, that also has some very influential green groups operating.
We haven't given up on that area of the park, but we have taken the tact of consolidating the north side (we are getting some additional trail areas put in) and proving that these trails work. The intent then is to have the south reviewed once the north is sorted.
How will they police it, that is a question we have asked, not only for the southside, but also the DH trails. The National Parks know that we know they can't police it or enforce it. How it pans out once the POM comes out is anyones guess to be honest. Long term I do think we will be back in there.
Well, we definitely have to ride this place more often: flow, berms, jumps, sniggle, views, easy to find (the trail head anyway), etc. Even the fire-trails have berms - great place to ride! We didn't scratch the surface of what this place had to offer and still came away grinning.
First attempt: went down a downhill type dirt jump track that had some tight step berms with some small jump and other flowy stuff that ended at a quarry with some much larger jumps. Felt a bit lost so headed back up the firetrail.
2nd attempt: rode some awesome flowy single track until we hit some more tight berms and rollers, etc. Having so much fun, but needed some locals to take us further. Hit up a really fun fire-trail (it really was nice) with sweeping turns, dipper-type sections that provided a little bit of air-time, and then popped us out by the ocean - awesome view btw.
3rd attempt: knew where to go this time, hit it at my speed (relatively moderate pace for most) and had an absolute ball getting very loose on some of the bermed sections.
Great short session at a really nice area. Who wants to go?
let me know when you want to go back & i'll go.Have ridden there a few times now & have always had a great ride there.Can't do saturday mornings though.
I am heading up that way at Easter and will be taking my bike
. I haven't worked out exact details but will post a ride when I have.
unclebullbar, that is very similar to a loop that I would mprmally ride (with the exception being I wide in off the fernleigh loop to the south west which gives a little more single trail), but you honestly have only scratched the surface.
Glad you enjoyed it though and when you come back, keep on exploring or chase a local for a guide on the GTA forum.
Andrew been up here almost 4 months now (couldn't ride for 6 weeks) and have ridden these trails at least 3 times a week - still finding new bits to enjoy (and getting lost).
@ Brian post it up.