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beanie's picture

GPS - Garmin 510, 810 or are there other options

I've been looking around on the web, but haven't really found any recent forums or reviews of GPS devices for mountain biking. So was hoping someone here could chip in with their experience.

Garmin seems to be the place to start. In their range it seems to be either the 510 or the 810 that are the most likely options.

Talking about Garmin, have anyone tried the vivoactive for mountain biking?

Which other options would you consider? If any?

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hank's picture

GPS for Offroad?

I'm thinking of upgrading my basic trip computer to a GPS, predominantly for navigation when on new off road trails. Do they work well for this kind of thing and is it worth the mega $ of something like the Garmin 1000?

brauer5's picture

iPhone Users - How to Import NoBMoB trail Maps into your iPhone's Google Earth

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iPhone Users - How to Import NoBMoB trail Maps into your iPhone's Google Earth app
(Tested in iPhone 5 with the latest Google Maps and Google Earth installed)

1 - Download Google earth to your PC and Install

2 - Download the file "NoBMoB KML" ( to your PC

3 - Open the file "NoBMoB KML" in Google earth PC application - File / Open

4 - Go to the desired trail in the trail list in Google Earth
e.g. NoBMoB / Northern Beaches / Red Hill / Red Hill

pancakes's picture

Tom Tom Multi-sport GPS watch v. Garmin 910XT

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So I'm thinking I need to step up the tech on the bike a notch, and with Santa still wondering what to bring me, I'm wondering if anyone's used one of the Tom Tom Multi-sport watches? A like the idea of a device that I can use off the bike.

The watch form factor appeals as I've been meaning to get back in the pool. Both the Garmin and the Tom Tom have a swim function. I'm not going to set any King of the Waves, but I do get sick of counting laps!

amarkie's picture

What app did you use to create and tag your maps

Hi Guys

Just wondering what app you used to create and tag your maps.



shano's picture

Garmin mount alternative

Saw this little beauty called the barfly. It seems like a great idea to get the edge off the stem/bar and out in front.
Not so good on a mtb but would be fantastic on the roadie. Evil

[Mod. moved to Geek Gear]

jp's picture

GPS Bike Computer Advice

I'm going to ask Santa for a GPS bike computer, and am interested in opinions on the best make / model to get. I don't need maps, just stats and HR. I know Garmins are popular, and I've read good things about Bryton. Anyone have any advice for me? I mean for Santa?

[Mod. moved to geek gear]

hawkeye's picture

Contour GPS Camera Review

Here's a review I wrote for Bicycles Network Australia on teh helmet cam I've been playing with, for those who may be interested:

unclebullbar's picture

Glenrock loop suggestions?

I'm hoping to take my wife up to Glenrock for a cruisy explore on Sunday morning and was just wondering if anyone with experience has a loop that they would like to recommend to me? Are there any arrows or signposts there?
I've downloaded all of the NobMob maps to my Edge 705 and would like to piece a bit of a ride together before we head off.... I think I would be more popular if I know where I'm going.

andrewjgray's picture

Downloading to GPX/CRS and Garmin

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i have been trying to download the trail maps from NOBMOB to a garmin gps. the KML files open perfectly fine in Google Earth however i have been unable to convert these files to a .gpx or .crs file. i think the issue is that the .kml files that come directly from the website have embedded http:// links to other data files. google earth seems happy to dynamically pull these links in however all of the conversion utilities that i can find just port the "http://blahblahblah" link and thus not the base coordinate data.


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