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Tom Tom Multi-sport GPS watch v. Garmin 910XT

So I'm thinking I need to step up the tech on the bike a notch, and with Santa still wondering what to bring me, I'm wondering if anyone's used one of the Tom Tom Multi-sport watches? A like the idea of a device that I can use off the bike.
The watch form factor appeals as I've been meaning to get back in the pool. Both the Garmin and the Tom Tom have a swim function. I'm not going to set any King of the Waves, but I do get sick of counting laps!
I have heard of "running" but can't understand why anyone would do it unless you were being chased by a bear or escaping a burning building/aeroplane. As there are no bears here it cuts down the need to run by 50% and I doubt I'd bother to time the other. So, that function is of no interest.
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Check DC Rainmaker. From his review the 910 is a better swim watch.
I have a 910 and the only issue has been the hr strap. 2 failed so far. DC also has a solution for that using a Polar strap. Otherwise it's awesome.
It's actually pretty good for running too.
I have a garmin 910xt and it has been excellent. Very quick to pickup GPS signal. Very customisable.
Garmin's customer service was also excellent when I had an issue with corrupt software. They sent me a brand new watch within a week.
I have had no experience with the Tom Tom so I can't comment on it.
If you're riding a mountain bike you won't spend much time looking at a watch on your wrist, it's just too awkward. A Garmin Edge 500 is the way to go I reckon. The function where you ride a course against a "ghost" is my most used function. It compares your progress in real time to how you went in a previous ride.
I bought a Garmin Swim about two weeks ago which counts laps in the pool and I reckon its better than giving a distance reading in metres. The lap counting sensor isn't perfect but it works reasonably well. When I first got it it would mis-count laps but I updated to the latest firmware and yesterday it mis-counted one length out of 38 lengths of a 50 metre pool. I've only just re-started my swimming after a several year lay-off and I reckon that as my technique improves the lap counter will be more consistent. A GPS based swim watch won't work in an indoor pool. The Garmin Swim uses an accelerometer to detect direction changes when you've completed a lap and doesn't have a GPS in it.
I also have a Garmin Edge for running plus some Garmin mapping type GPSs which I've used to map all the bush tracks in my area. (Check out OSM maps). If you're after a a mapping GPS you can only download the free OSM maps to Garmin GPSs.
Pancakes I run the old Garmin 305 and use a polar mount on both bikes so its not on my wrist - works a treat. Having said that its nearing end of life and probably just get a 500 or 510.
The Garmins have some cool stuff like virtual partner etc and Lat/longs for when you need to request a Heli Evac for BlackFlash - useful!
All tech hardware has a "retrieve black flash" function doesn't it? Actually I'm sure giant nut has the advanced model which include the "retrieve black flash - again" function...
Giantnut, I think I'll go with the Dick Smith Vegemite 3000. It has that function to call in a medi-vac chopper. The latest firmware update also has the ability to call in an animal strike on Black Flash using an EAM on the VLF. Any Owls or roos within 100m will get lock-on and alter course for an intercept.
Cheers all, appreciate the input. Think I'll go with the tom tom. They'll shortly be introducing sync to phone for ride uploads and I want simplicity.
PS. How good are DC Rainmaker's reviews? Found his site the other day. Talk about thorough.
Magellan also do a multisport watch. I have one on order so can't comment on quality but they are slightly cheaper than Garmin. Magellan has a promotion at the moment, which includes items such as cadence sensors with their cyclo computers or multisport watches.
Works for both counting laps (indoor or outdoor) or doing the open water swim. Only time it's stuffed up has been when I've had to stop mid-lap due to slower swimmers.
Otherwise love it. Swimming, Riding, Paddling, Running, all good. No issues with HR strap either (yet?).
The Garmin 910 has a quick release setup which allows you to mount your watch without the strap to a handlebar mount. Means you don't need to look at your wrist to check speed etc.
For those that are looking for a website that sells the Garmin for a good price, regardless of model, go to I got my 910XT as a replacement watch for $270 which is a heap cheaper than anywhere else. It doesn't come with a box or anything other than the watch, but I have everything else already from my now busted Garmin 310XT. Oh and they are an Aussie site, so you will get the added bonus of supporting a local site, and get it in a reasonably fast time as well.