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Downloading to GPX/CRS and Garmin

i have been trying to download the trail maps from NOBMOB to a garmin gps. the KML files open perfectly fine in Google Earth however i have been unable to convert these files to a .gpx or .crs file. i think the issue is that the .kml files that come directly from the website have embedded http:// links to other data files. google earth seems happy to dynamically pull these links in however all of the conversion utilities that i can find just port the "http://blahblahblah" link and thus not the base coordinate data.
does anyone know of a way to save a .gpx files from google earth?
does anyone know of a conversion utility that will go and pull all of the base data and then assemble a full data rich file?
is there any way that one can find the underlying base data from the NOBMOB site?
thanks a lot in advance.
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From KML you can use GPSbabel to convert to anything you like. Or something online like gpsies for example, but that could become tedious.
Or you could ask me nicely and I'll write a GPX export
rob, well if you are saying you could put a link on the site so you could pull the gpx of the trails down directly that would be super and i would very much appreciate it.
i will check out gpsbable and see if it will pull the imbedded http link.
are you the person responsible for this site? its pretty slick.
Ah, well - the site is Drupal based but the module that stores the trails uses trackfield which I wrote.
I could quiet easily get it to export GPX though.
The links are intentional. This is so that anyone saving the KML on their PC will get it auto-updated when changes are made. Ah, well, that depends if you're using the 'proper' KML or the old one. I should remove links to the old one, eh?
Hi Andrew
I've mailed you most of the local trails on this site that you can import directly into Mapsource and transfer to you Edge.
Please please...pick me ..pick me!!!!!
I am battling with Mapsource not loading (post log file and send t to tech support like that's going to help), and training centre not recognizing my says, you do not have an edge now piss off....actually it says please plug it in....which one does...then it says......please plug it in......(update the driver) and it says....please plug it in......oh and then there's the problem of the history not recording/ importing, and let's not forget the profile (when TC works) recognition problem. It says...the dude in the edge is thinnner than the dude in the pc...please stop lying....actually again it says....there was a problem recognizing your profile blah blah blah
I hate Garmin, but cannot live without it.
but the tracks would be great thanks!
No problem, I have mailed it over to you.
Remember it doesn't have all of the trails/tracks/rides/whatever they are called now, but it's got quite a few.
Edit: here is a list of the "tracks". Some are doubled up for some reason, and others don't make a lot of sense from the name alone. I have all of these running on my Edge 705 without problems.
Bare Creek Track
Heath Track
Kitchener St. Entry
Lower Cambourne
Centre Track
Chiltern Track
Deep Creek
Duck Hole Track
Elvina Track
Little Moab
LIzard Rock
Main Circuit
Morgan Road Firetrail
Nursery Ryhmes
Power Lines
Ridge Top Track
Short Single Track
Slippery Dip Trail
Terrey Hills Trail
4WD Folley
100 Metre Hill
Anembo Reserve
Bibbenluke Track
Booralie Trail
Corner Cut
Cowan Track
Comer Connector
Cullamine Track
Drop Zone
Duffys Track
Five Mile Creek Trail
Garden of Gullies
Larool Trail
Long Track
Main Trail
Management Track (East)
Management Track (West)
Moon Rock
Mr Motocross
Neverfail Gully
Overgrown Dead End
Perimeter Track
Ryland Track
Salvation Loop
Sandy Trail
Single Track
Smiths Creek Trail
Road to No/Somewhere
To Phillip Rd
Wallaroo Arm
XC Track
Yeomans Track
Andersons Firetrail
Basin Road
Boyds Point Road
Bulls Ridge
Burnt Pine
Burrawong Ridge
Campbells Point Road
Coba Ridge Trail
Collingridge Point Trail
Condies Shelf Road
Dead Horse Point Road
Continues South
Logpile Craig
Events Area
Small Step
Along by the Road
By The Nepean River
Green Tunnel
Tight Single Trail
Deserted House
Stuart and Tall Grass
Pebble Track
Single Trail Stuart
Stuart and Tall Grass
Rob Climbing Rocks
Bridged Crossing
Yellowmundee Stuart
Signs & Trees
Yellowmundee Start
Devines Hill
Dirtworks 2006
Bantam Road
Demtel Hill
Five Ways
Gondies Gully
Jurassic Park
Potters Gully Road
Roller Coaster
The Graveyard
The Valley
Downhill Zone
Finches Line
Frances Point Road
Gale Point Road
Galoor Point Road
Horaces Point Road
Jack's Track
Kings Tableland Road
Knoll Point Road
Kulpas Track
Marramarra Ridge Fire Trail
Middle Ridge Road
Murphys Firetrail
Nepean Lookout Firetrail
Pisgah Rock Trail
North to Sandy
Pisgah Ridge Firetrail
Prestons Ridge Road
Quarry Road Track
Red Hands Firetrail
Red Hill Road
Scaddens Ridge Road
Simpsons Track
Single Track
Smugglers Ridge Trail
St Helena Track
The Great North Walk
The Oaks Firetrail
Toolag Point Road
Unknown Trail
Wallaroo Track
Womerah Range Trail
Zoriana Close
Dead End
Andersons Firetrail
Basin Road
Bibbenluke Track
Electric Fence
Booralie Trail (North)
Booralie Trail (Detour)
Booralie Trail (South)
Boyds Point Road
Bulls Ridge Road
Burnt Pine Road
Burrawong Ridge Road
Campbells Point Road
Campbells Point Road
Campbells Point Road
Circuit - All
Coba Ridge Trail
North Leg
Collingridge Point Trail
Condies Shelf Road
Cowan Track
Dead Horse Point Road
Devines Hill
Dirtworks 2006
Bantam Road
Demtel Hill
Five Ways
Gondies Gully
Gondies Gully
Gondies Gully
Jurassic Park
Potters Gully Road - Downhill (Along)
Potters Gully Road - Downhill (Bottom)
Potters Gully Road - Downhill (Right)
Potters Gully Road - Downhill (Left)
Potters Gully Road (To Start)
Roller Coaster
Single Track
Single Track
Single Track
Single Track
The Graveyard
The Valley
Downhill Zone
Finches Line
Frances Point Road
Gale Point Road
Galoor Point Road
Horaces Point Road
House Leg
Jack's Track
Kings Tableland Road
Knoll Point Road
Kulpas Track
Marramarra Ridge Fire Trail
Smugglers Connector
Middle Ridge Road
Murphys Glen
Murphys Firetrail
Nepean Lookout Firetrail
Pisgah Rock Track
North Leg
North to Sandy
Pisgah Ridge Firetrail
Prestons Ridge Road
Quarry Road Track
Red Hands Firetrail
Red Hill Road
Riverside North
Riverside South
Salvation Loop
Scaddens Ridge Road - Option 2
Scaddens Ridge Road - Option 1
Scaddens Ridge Road - Corner
Scaddens Ridge Road
Simpsons Track
Single Track
Smugglers Ridge Trail
Leg 1
Leg 2
Leg 3
Leg 3.1
St Helena Track
The Great North Walk
The Oaks Firetrail
Toolag Point Road
Unknown Trail
Wallaroo Track
Womerah Range Trail (South)
Womerah Range Trail (North)
XC Circuit (WWS 2008)
Yeomans Track
Zoriana Close
Bobbin Head Track
Bare Creek Track
Bobbin Head Track
Heath Track
Kitchener St. Entry
Lower Cambourne
Bare Creek Track
Bobbin Head Track
Centre Track
Chiltern Track
Deep Creek
Downhill - Left
Downhill - Right
Duck Hole Track
Elvina Track
Heath Track
Kitchener St. Entry
Chicken Run
Little Moab
Lizard Rock
Lower Cambourne
Main Circuit
Morgan Road Firetrail
Nursery Ryhmes
Power Lines
Mona Vale Road Entry
Ridge Top Track
Short Single Track
Slippery Dip Trail
XC Connector
XC Connector
XC Connector
XC Connector
4WD Folley
4WD Folley
100 Metre Hill
Anembo Reserve to Bibbenluke
Anembo Reserve
Bibbenluke Track
Electric Fence
Booralie Trail (North)
Booralie Trail (Detour)
Booralie Trail (South)
Corner Cut
Cowan Track
Cromer Connector
Cullamine Track
Drop Zone
Duffys Track
Five Mile Creek Trail
East Fork
East Connector
Climb at the End
Alternate Entry
Garden of Gulleis
Larool Trail
Long Track
Main Trail
Main Trail
Main Trail
Management Track (East)
Management Track (West)
Moon Rock
Mr Motocross
Neverfail Gully
Unknown (red)
Unknown (red)
Sealed Entry Road
Sealed entry road
Overgrown Dead End
Ryland Track
First Left
Second Left
Steep Stuff
Salvation Loop
Sandy Trail
Single Track
Smiths Creek Trail
Road to Nowhere
Road to Somewhere
To Phillip Road
Wallaroo Arm
XC Track
Yeomans Track
OK, OK... you should all be using this, BTW:
Although it exports loads of links that themselves include links and eventually all load into a nice map. This might be problematic for those wanting to export data to a GPS though. It's not a priority here so that won't change much in the future.
Ladytoast, is there any chance you'd consider hosting those tracks somewhere for people to access, such as on Rapidshare or such? It would save you emailing them on request.
I currently don't have a GPS myself but am currently in the market for one, so might just find such files helpful in the near future.
Yeah I probably could, but I would imagine Rob has something up his sleeve. Rob? Are you cool with that?
My file is a bit of a bodge, it doesn't contain all of the files, plus of course it doesn't stay up to date like Robs kml. That said it does work in my GPS. I haven't heard back from the others to see if they have had any joy with it.
Nah... I'll create something 'official'. So what is the requirement? A GPX file with all the tracks inside?
How's this look?
No links and includes all the tracks so is 2.2MB. Although the link will include more tracks as added clearly you will have to come back and download from time to time if that happens. That's the beauty of the KML - as it's full of links everything auto-magically updates all the time.
Anyhow - let me know how you go.
Well I just today bought my first GPS and just downloaded your GPX file. Now I'll just put on my best test subject hat and we'll see what happens. I'm still figuring out what I'm doing so if I can get this to work that will bode well for everyone else.
Now I just have to wait the hour or two for Mapsource to finish transfering these maps over to my GPS and I'll give it the gpx file a shot....
Ok, I'll bite Rob. How do you use the Gpx file you've posted there? Trying to open it with Mapsource just produces a "could not be imported" error. However I notice the contents of the file is all XML. Do I have to do something with that before I import it into Mapsource?
Any help for a GPS virgin gratefully accepted.
EDIT : Not to worry, I think I got it figured out. Converted it using GPSBabel from GPX XML format to .GDB. That seemed to have worked.
Garmin downloader might be a proprietary thing (?)
but uses an ActiveX control to send to GPS units for the GeoCaches
don't know the technicals, just the easiness of it. it's why I got the good Garmin eTrex
as posted, saves to a file called gpx.
which has no extension so is rather 'useless' for the non tech savvy who don't know how to find it
better if it was a nobmob.gpx file and name
the Garmin MapSource, open file, change file type to all
found the gpx. file, open, it read it in, and all tracks are there.
so that was easy.
methinks, looking at your tracks, that a lot are not as detailed as might well be.
certainly sufficient to see what goes where, but not as squiggly as i'd like mine to be.
and the elevations aren't in the file either ;-(
still, it's good and it is readable, so if i can get it into MapSource it won't be hard to go into GEarth but there's a KMZ file for that anyway.
so there you go. a few minutes and a bit of focus ....
saved file as \garmin\gpx\nobmob.gpx
menu -> where to? -> saved rides
Thanks for the maps, I am new to the area and (was) clueless on where to ride - so these will help!
I cannot seem to get gpx to import into Garmin Training Centre, have found a neat tool (GPX2Crs) which converts the .gpx into .crs and voila appears in Training Centre ready for upload into my 305.
Same advice followed as elsewhere namely save the gpx file to filename.gpx and then this will be picked up by GPX2Crs.