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Hidden Valley Classic - Coolah NSW
Hi All
Here are details of the Coolah, Hidden Valley Classic that a number of us are heading over to do it next month. Check out their facebook page to get an idea of what you will be in for:
It’s a typical real country event and good fun. You can camp onsite or book a cabin at the Coolah Caravan park and head to the top pub for dinner.

The meeting times are 'ready to ride'. If you need time to prepare equipment then please arrive a few minutes earlier.
Glenbrook station carpark.
After being reminded about this on the Wednesday night ride, it's time to put it up for next year to give you all a chance to drag out your secret weapons.
Guidelines are:
1) Bike not to be worth more than $200 new or needs to be over ten years old.
2) No disc brakes.
3) You have to carry it out with you even if it is stuffed.
4) All stacks are your own fault for riding such a heap of S*&t
5) No clipless pedals (unless the bike came with them originally)
6) Must be prepared to have an embarrassing photo taken.
7) Anything else I have missed here....................