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Self propelled Enterprises

The Kowalski Classic
The meeting times are 'ready to ride'. If you need time to prepare equipment then please arrive a few minutes earlier.
The Ride Canberra site describes the main forest entrance as being the corner of Kowan Road and Sutton Roads. There is a parking area 5km into the forest along Kowan road with gates that may be locked. Call Canberra Connect (13 22 81) for the combinations or ride from Sutton Road for a warm up.
What is The Kowalski Classic?
For nigh on two decades, local trail building legends Paul Cole, Alan Anderson and the mysterious Kowalski Brothers have been hand-crafting trails in the ACT region. Thanks to their dirty work, Sparrow Hill and East Kowen Forest have become single track nirvana. The innuagural Kowalski Classic gives you the chance to race it all in one hit. Ride the Bird, then the Kow, then the Bird, then the Kow!
The Kowalski Classic is the ultimate single track enduro with two race distances taking in the very best trails in Sparrow Hill and East Kowen.