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Shout out to "Mountain Bike Suspension Centre"
I took my DT forks and fox RP23 to Simon @ Mountain Bike Suspension Centre.
What a fantastic service experience.
Simon is friendly and professional.
only took 2 days to turn around - ensuring I had my suspension back for the weekend.
He took photos of the filthy oil that came out of my shocks and kept the buggered seals to show me when I came to pick them up.
went for a ride this weekend and it was like riding a new bike. the suspension is smooth and plush again.

Lost air pressure top cap
I lost my air pressure top cap on Friday somewhere around the pines in margaret river. It's obviosuly blue and float 34. I can't seem to find it as a spare part anywhere so if someone found it and pmed me it would be great.

Fox CTD issues
Had a recurring issue with my Fox CTD forks on my 2014 Trance 2 and was interested to know if anyone has experienced the same problems.
From what I gather and I'm pretty sure this was the case when the bike was new but the CTD position should sit at about 5, 3 and 1 o'clock respectively for the climb trail and descend position (as you look down on the fork from the seating position).

Reassembling Anthem... after servicing RP23.
I've viewed other posts & Youtube vids in regards to the actual service, but I'm a little worried about just how to remove & reassemble the RP23 from my 2009 Anthem.
I've searched & can't find any info on the rear triangle assembly & torque pressures for re-assembly. Anyone?

Fox FIT cartridge marks
I pulled apart my Fox 36 TALAS RC2 forks tonight to replace the semi bath oil in the lowers.
I found the below markings on the black section of the FIT cartridge. Is this wear or is this just nothing? I'm assuming it is not wear as the diameter of the black section is a lot smaller than on the silver FIT cartridge so shouldn't rub on anything.
Any ideas? Any need to be concerned? Thanks

Rear Shox
I was wondering what people think about rear shocks for XC bike. Rock Shox vs. Fox Shox vs. Fusion vs. any other ones.

Fox Bush
The Rush got a a new bush in it's shock (RP23) today. That gizmo Stan at BA made is pretty cool for changing these. Nice one!

QR15 impressions
What with the atrocious conditions lately, and the flu, and generally being lazy in the cold weather, I had only ridden the Yeti about 50k's in a month. What with El Rancho's warm up ride next weekend and a few days of warm (relatively) weather, it was an ideal opportunity to get some miles under the wheels.

I'm a bit sceptical about this new QR15 standard, but thought would give it a try, what's the worst that can happen?
From the pic you can clearly tell am yet to ride it, but looks nice so far. These forks (Talas 32 RLC) are light (the '09 QR15 are allegedly lighter than the standard QR from '08) as are the hubs - convert the Pro II from QR to QR15 saves all of 10g.
Rims are Mavic 819 Disc with double butted spokes if anyone was wondering.
There might be a few parts in the background, but you'll have to wait and see about them.