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Withdrawn: Kowalski Entry
Kowalski 100km entry for sale. Make me a reasonable offer.

Withdrawn: Kowalski Entry
Kowalski 100km entry for sale. Make me a reasonable offer.

Decline in Races - What you said?
I'd like to thank all the commentators on the question I asked and I think the outcomes were pretty clear, which I've trapped here. It looks like the end maybe nigh for the fling (see below):
1. Too Expensive (or not enough value)
2. Too many alternative races and places to ride
3. Not enough promotion particularly to younger age groups
4. Not family orientated enough
5. Making a state based series might get some interest back.
So the primary suggestions to the rider are:
1. Dont sweat and go to club races
2. Plan to ride away with friends

Kowalski Classic 2014
The meeting times are 'ready to ride'. If you need time to prepare equipment then please arrive a few minutes earlier.
Millpost Road, just off the Kings Highway, between Queanbeyan and Bungendore.
Now in its third year, the Kowalski Classic is a one-day showcase of the famous trails in East Kowen Forest and Sparrow Hill. The event celebrates the achievements of local trail building legends Paul Cole, Alan Anderson and the mysterious Kowalski Brothers who together with their trail crew have built all the trails in the area.

Early Christmas (50km)
I'd never been to Kowan before this race, so I spent the ride feeling like a kid on Christmas Day - every turn was like opening a new present, but instead of toys I got an endless supply of singletrack. I spent the first 30kms grinning my head off, riding and occasionally chatting with a great bunch of guys. It really didn't feel like a race, just like a fun day out with a bunch of mates. My training for this event was rudely interrupted by a couple of weeks off the bike with flu, so I didn't have great expectations of a particularly fast time. But in a way that was nice...