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SXC Racing

Convict 100 2016 - It was as a late decision - but in the end a good one
As much as I enjoy the Convict I was in 2 minds whether to enter this year. Since completing the Pioneer, and then wrongly deciding to race the Willo a couple of weeks later, I've not really been motivated to train or race. 9 days in UK/France over Easter, and 60 hours of travel in a short time frame, was hard on my body and I returned from that trip feeling very tired and jetlagged.

The Pioneer - 7 days in New Zealand, a beautiful country that makes for a brutal test
There were times that I actually thought I would be better off sat at my desk at work……luckily hindsight is a wonderful thing and I can now say that the time I spent in New Zealand’s South Island, racing the inaugural Pioneer stage race, with friends and newly made friends, in an amazing environment, and enjoying the hospitality and culture was full of unforgettable moments and enjoyment.

2014 Absa Cape Epic Crash Pics
I'm back in Australia now and recovering well. I had the dressing changed today and I got a good look of the damage that was done on the Stage 4 crash
I've also got my hands on the X-Rays taken and just how far the rock got embedded. They had to get an Orthopaedic Surgeon to remove it as they classed it having bone involvement and you'll see what they mean by that
The pictures are
- when the first help arrived
- in the medic tent at the race centre
- the rock they removed from my arm
- 1st X-ray of the rock embedded
- 2nd X-ray of the rock embedded

2013 Scott 25hr - SXC Racing
With quite a selection of events on the calendar it was May when the emails started about putting some teams together for the Scott 25hr. It didn’t take long to pencil in some names and the first thing unanimously decided was to go the full luxury marquee. Having a marquee with, power, lights, gas heating, table and chairs meant it was basically a turn and race.
SXC Racing has had a bit of success lately but the Scott25 was going to be the first race with the team in SXC kit. Thankfully it arrived 2 days before we were heading down to Canberra so we were all set.