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ahein's blog

Cold but fun ourimbah
It was a rather cold start to the day with the car showing a minimum of 4.5 degrees on the drive up to ourimbah and it had me considering why I was doing this again. But when I got to the trail I caught up with Daniel (my team mate) and fatboy. Daniel and I performed a recce by discussing the trail with other riders as neither of us had ridden it before. In hindsight maybe we shouldn't have done this as everyone made out the drop zone to be worse than what it was and made Daniel and I think about taking the b line, shock horror.

Round and round we go where we stop only 7 hours knows
I entered my first lap race after an invite from @sikllama to do the 7 hour singleton round of the shimano gp. At the start of my day at 4:15am I was questioning my decision to do the race as that seemed an rather ungodly hour to get up on a Saturday morning. But I got myself into the car and picked up @hawkeye on the way. We arrived at around 7:30 and found the perfect spot to set up right amongst the big guys of the race, which is where we belonged .

Tcivnoc 68 (or convict backwards)
This is my second convic, this time in reverse!!!t and what a beautiful day to ride. My mate Daniel and I arrived on a cold misty morning in St. Albans in time to see the 100km riders start. We then got ourselves changed and started to get prepared to take on the 68km race.

Second circus
My second 3 ring and unfortunately will also be my last as they are not putting on the event next year, this seems to be a common thread to my race blogs given my last race was capital punishment!!!!
It was another sunny day in wingello although was definitely colder and windier than last year, it also seemed like a lot less people had entered this year. I was lined up at the start with my mate Daniel who missed the race last year and a guy in a school dress (you get all types at 3 ring), I also knew that I was not as well prepared this year so was expecting a slower time than last year.

First and last capital punishment
This was my first attempt at this race and hate to say it will be my last only because they are not running it next year. What a shame it is, I did the 50km course and it was fantastic. It was also the first time I had been through stromlo and that place is a mountain bikers paradise. All that single trail and the bermed corners through luge and other trails I can't remember the name of. In fact the only thing harder than building that park would be naming all the trails.

My first 3 Ring Circus
What a beautiful day it was, the sun was shining, the temperature wasn’t too cold and I was about to enter my second ever mtb race. I was lucky (or unlucky) to have been granted free entry to the race given a mate at work won a free double pass when he entered and offered it to me, I thought what the hell sounds like fun and I will rope my usual riding buddy in to come. Unfortunately at last minute my mate was struck down the dreaded man flu and couldn’t compete so I would be riding solo.

First Convict 100 and first race
Decided to take the plunge and enter my first race and thought if i am going to do this i am going to do it properly and go straight for the 100km race. So on Friday my mate and i made it up St Albans and get ourselves ready.
We set off on the Saturday and decided to stay together until we got to the first climb and wow what a climb. I tried to ride up part of the hill but as soon as i saw people unclipping in front of me and decided to join them as i didn't want to kill my legs on the first hill. After that my mate and i went separate ways and ran our own races.